Tuesday 11 June 2024

Caphid Attack!


It's muskets versus alien bugs on the Deathship!

I'm continuing to paint the aliens figures needed to play Deathship One, and I must admit, enjoying the photo opportunities. These aliens bugs are called the caphids. They are based on camel crickets, which were one of the great fears of my childhood. Whenever I had to go down to the basement, I knew they'd be lurking there. They are completely harmless, but they are about the size of these figures, and when you turned on the light, they would hop all over the place - including straight at you. And these guys were capable of hoping a metre or more at a go! 

Caphids are the least fearsome of the aliens found on the Deathship, but they are fast and tend to show up in greater numbers. Take them down quick if you can!

If you'd like your own caphid models you can order them from Bobby Jackson (including STLs) if you want them in the UK, you can order them through North Star.

Monday 10 June 2024

Anglo-Egyptian Silver Bayonet Unit

Believe it or not, I don't have a purpose-painted The Silver Bayonet unit. Whenever I have played the game, I have just cobbled together a unit from figures I had previously painted. Well, that's set to change! Inspired by some of the minis produced for the new Egypt supplement, I've decided to create a new Anglo-Egyptian unit!

I placed an order for a few Front Rank figures, but while I am waiting for them, I decided to start on the Egyptian part, which I got from North Star. Here's the first two! These are my coachman (the only soldier who carries a blunderbuss) and my Doctor.  I gave the coachman a 'red coat' so he'd fit in with his English allies, but the Doctor I wanted to stand out more. He's a more reluctant member of the group.

Both of these figures were a dream to paint, as Mike Owen sculpts usually are. I like that his figures don't overdo the detail, but what detail they have is heavily moulded into the figure, making it easy to paint. 

These guys look ready to fight some monsters!

Thursday 6 June 2024

Slathek Attack!


It's another glorious day in the Colonial Marine Corp! I'm continuing to paint up aliens for Deathship One. This time its the tentacular Slathek! The first one of these creatures I painted, I spent ages doing layers, but didn't really like the results. Then I slapped a layer of contrast paint on these two, added some white dots and called them done. They actually look much better! 

When Bobby Jackson started working on this project, this was the alien he was unsure about. Sometimes creative challenges lead to fantastic results! 

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Drekyl Attack!


Having a bit of fun with my latest paint jobs - a bunch of Drekyl! These guys were created for my new game Deathship One, but there are also rules to use them in Stargrave (free) on my Patreon.

I got the STLs for these straight from Bobby Jackson and got them painted by my friends at Illusionary Terrain. You can also buy physical prints from Bobby or from North Star

I'm also working on a new set of terrain, which is just a bunch of sci-fi walls from Blotz, which you can see here. Most of them still need painting (which honestly is a black undercoat with grey sprayed over top of it - done). Once I have them ready to go, I'll be running some of my colonial marines through the Deathship

Yes, this spaceship has woodgrain flooring - it's a classy ride! 

Monday 3 June 2024

Deathship One - Now Available!

My new (mini) miniatures game Deathship One, is now available as a PDF or print-on-demand through DriveThruRPG.com. In this solo or co-operative game, you play a squad of soldiers that has been pulled out of time and dumped into an alien deathtrap. So, whether you are playing ancient Greeks or power-armoured space marines, you must fight your way through five rooms of aliens and traps to see if anyone survives!

While the game encourages the use of whatever miniatures you already have, it does feature 4 distinct alien races. And I’m excited to announce that famed miniature sculptor Bobby Jackson has made STL files for the aliens which you can purchased directly from his new shop. If you are in the US, you can also order physical prints. In the UK and the rest of the world, you can order from North Star

 As a bonus for my Patreon supporters, I have also created rules for taking a wizard into the Deathship. This game originally appeared in the Blaster gaming anthology, but this is a revised edition with new material.