Saturday, December 17, 2011

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Yesterday, I cleaned up my desk, turned off my computer and left the office for the last time this year! My company is very generous when it comes to holidays. Not only do we receive the normal holidays of Christmas and Boxing Day, we are normally given an additional day as well. Combine this with the large amount of holiday (vacation time) offered by most United Kingdom companies, and it is pretty easy to assemble a very nice Christmas break.
So this morning I’m kicking back with an imported Mountain Dew and my clunky wireless internet, preparing for a day of rest and leisure. With my Christmas shopping all done, my big tasks include painting miniatures, reading books, doing a few little home improvements, and generally taking it easy.
Tonight, my wife and I are going to take advantage of the wonderful city of Oxford. There are two markets on today, a Christmas market and a French market which we plan to visit. Then we are off to see Oxford’s very own Creation Theatre perform a Christmas Carol.
These are good days.

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