In truth, this isn’t quite the Gimli I wanted. I wanted a
figure that was closer to the Angus McBride depiction – but, after much
searching, I couldn’t find anything that worked for me. So, I just decided to
go with a dwarf model I really liked, as long as it had an axe!
At first, I passed over this dwarf model, sculpted by Werner Klocke, because his
heavy plate armour didn’t seem fitting. Then, it occurred to me that I could
paint the metal as leather, and if I painted it as a kind of red leather, it
would tie the figure closer to the film interpretation of Gimli.
All-and-all, I think it worked out pretty well. The
painting process was a bit strange. I had a lot of fun painting the top half –
lots of big detail – but the legs gave me all kinds of problems. For whatever
reason, mostly my eyes I suspect, I just couldn’t see the detail on the legs
that well. Thus, the legs aren’t painted a well as the rest of the figure.
Still, they are not that easy to see most of the time either, so I’m not going
to worry about it too much.
Size-wise, he’s a good mach. He stands just a bit taller
than the Hobbits, but shorter than everyone else!
So, this brings me up to 8 members of the Fellowship and
smack into a problem… You see, my three
Hobbits are all Bobby Jackson sculpts from Reaper. I love them, but they have a very particular
style that doesn’t really match well with other hobbit/Halfling figures out
there. That would be fine, except to-date, Reaper have only released three of
them! (Okay, there is also a Hobbit cook and a barmaid in a similar style, but
that’s not really useful in this situation). So, I’m not sure what I’m going to
do about it. I'm not even sure if I'm missing Frodo or Pippin, as that will depend on whatever figure I end up with. Anyway, here are the 8
walkers so far!