Sunday, November 25, 2012

Dear Santa Claus

by Thomas Nast

Dear Santa,

I know it is only November, but I figured that with the millions of letters you receive every year, it might be nice to get some early, so that you can get a head-start on preparing for the ‘Big Night’.
The truth is, I’ve been pretty good this year. Not perfect by any means. I’m sure I could have been more charitable, more helpful, and more understanding at times, but I’ve done my best.

I know the global economy hasn’t been great these last few years, and I suspect that even the power of Christmas magic might be going through a rough-patch, so I have tried to keep my Christmas requests small.  Any of the following items would make a great gift that I would be happy to receive come Christmas day.

1.  A really good Phillips head screwdriver. Standard size. Over the last few years, this has been my most used tool, and the head on the poor quality one I have is starting to lose shape. I’d love to have a proper one that will last me for a decade or two.

2. Midshipman’sHope by David Feintuch.  I read this book as a teenager and loved it.  I think it is time to give it another try and see if it has stood the test of time.

3. I’ve been on a bit of a Jason and the Argonauts kick this year, and I’d love to do some more exploration on the subject.  To that end, I’d love to receive The Orphic Argonautica by Jason Colavito and/or The Jason Voyage by Tim Severin.

4. Some rechargeable energizer batteries.  I already have the charger, but don’t seem to have quite enough batteries. I could use a pack of AA and/or AAA.

5.  Ungor Beastman Box Set. While I’m currently trying to reduce the number of miniatures I own, especially unpainted ones, I’d love got get a box of these guys to use as Satyrs to fight against my Greek Heroes.

6. Cross Refills. With my new, expanded editing duties at work, the red pen ink is flowing faster than ever!  Unfortunately, you can’t just pick up red cartridges for a Cross pen in most stationary stores.

It's a small list, but hopefully there are a few items you might have in stock.  If not, anything involving space ships will probably go down well.  Looking forward to seeing you.  Hope everything runs smooth this year.


Mr. R. Troll

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