Saturday, May 25, 2013

Oxford Softball

And now for a quick update on softball.  After three weeks of play, my Knights are 1-1.  We beat the Beavers, lost to the Spirits, and suffered one rain out.  I started a bit slowly.  In my first game I went 1-3 with an RBI and a Run scored.  I started the game at DH, but moved to Short Stop for the last three innings, where I made a couple of plays.

In the second game, I did better, going 3-5 with 3 Runs scored.  I also pitched a complete game, making several plays, and, most importantly, giving up no walks. We lost, but it was tight.

Career Hits: 88

By the way, big No-Prize to anyone who can name the original team to wear the Knights logo above...

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