Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Cast off! (Into the New Year)

It’s a day of new beginnings. Not only is it the first day of a new year, it is also my first full day without the cast on my left arm. My wrist is painfully stiff, and I don’t have anything like a full range of movement, but at least I am on the road to recovery. I have a host of little exercises I’m supposed to perform 3 or 4 times a day.

I can now type again with only a bit of discomfort, and later today, I’ll see how I get on working a paint brush. Also, I can now take a shower without wearing a plastic bag over my arm!

New Year’s celebrations were quiet around the troll house. Still worn out from the Christmas parties, and with no drinkers currently in residence, we opted for a relaxed night at home. On the plus side, I did get a chance to try out one of the Christmas presents I received from my parents – my starship Enterprise (original series) pizza cutter!

Let me just say, for something that is basically a novelty item, it is a seriously good pizza cutter. Easily the best I have ever owned. It’s heavy sharp blade went right through the pizza like it wasn’t even there, threatening to cut into the board underneath. Highly recommended for the pizza-loving geek (are there any geeks who don’t love pizza?).


  1. Nice cutter, You'll be back to normal movement in no time at all now that casts off! Happy New Year!

  2. That pizza looks suspiciously (and deliciously) homemade. At least from Greensboro....
