Dragon Masters by Jack Vance
I bought this book for two reasons. First, Jack Vance is one of the biggest names in fantasy whose work I have never read.
Second, it won the Hugo award (I would later discover it actually
won the Hugo for best ‘Short Story’). It is an intriguing and entertaining
work, science-fiction with a heavy fantasy flavour. If you like battles with
dragon-creatures, mutant warriors, and maybe even a spaceship, it might be for
you. It does require a little patience. Vance moves pretty fast and doesn’t
always offer full explanations or descriptions, but I would still recommend it.
Callahan’s Crosstime Saloon by Spider Robinson
I first read this book back in high school and loved it.
When I saw it again on the used bookshelf, I decided to give it another go
and see if the magic was still there. I can report that it is still a highly
enjoyable collection of short stories. Interestingly, it is more enjoyable for the setting and the characters (and the desire of the reader that such a
place should exist) than the actual plots of the stories, which tend to be pretty
straight forward. In truth, a couple of the stories have kind of dud endings.
That said, when I read the Callahan's stories, I can’t help but think about the gaming
store I hung out in during college, and for that, it still has a bit of magic.
The Shadow – Destination: Moon by Maxwell Grant (Dennis

Sound like fun reads!