Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Frostgrave Wizards!

All ten of the wizard figures for Frostgrave have now been revealed. Just in case you missed them, I am posting them all here. Remember, each of the wizards represents one of the schools of magic in the game.  Each of the schools have three allied schools, five schools which they are neutral towards, and one they are directly opposed to. Potentially, a wizard can learn any spell in the game, but he suffers penalties to casting spells that are outside his school.


  1. Thanks for posting these all together!

  2. Nice to see them all together. Looking forward to hearing the details of the Nickstarter!

  3. This looks really good I like their looks.

  4. Played a demo at Salute yesterday, and just have to say - great minis, great game!
