Saturday, June 6, 2015

Frostgrave Soldiers: Size Comparison Shot

Being an author has a few advantages. Last week, I got my hands on one of the plastic Frostgrave Soldiers test sprues. I know a lot of people have been asking how these plastic figures compare to other figures on the market. Well, here's a quick size comparison shot I set up. So, from left to right:

Perry's Sudanese, Gripping Beast Dark Age Warrior, Frostgrave Soldier, GW Lord of the Rings, Frostgrave Soldier, Fireforge plastic, Frostgrave metal thief.


  1. Thanks always helpful to see already wondering what else the frost grave stuff could be used for......

  2. Well there does not look like any size comparison issues as far as my eyes can see. Therefore a big thumbs up as It will mean I can already use the figures I have. That's got to be a bonus. Thanks for posting this. Now I just have to see if I like the rules.

  3. Very useful comparison. Means that it will be possible to do pretty interesting warbands for Frostgrave using a mixture of figures.
