Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Frostgrave Gnolls

Timed with the release of the next Frostgrave supplement, Into the Breeding Pits, in July, these guys:


  1. looking great ...and useful for so many other fantasy games

  2. Nice - will be interesting to see what else has been bred in them pits!!

  3. Will there be a Gnoll-based warband?

  4. Very interesting and useful. Nicely retro or D&D esque, goibg by the box art. Nice

  5. Very interesting and useful. Nicely retro or D&D esque, goibg by the box art. Nice

  6. Love the artwork. Can't wait to get hold of these to play around with!

  7. Wow! I hope the minis match are artwork. The Soldiers came out really nicely.

  8. I always loved Gnolls :D This is very exciting indeed!

  9. One of the things I really like about Frostgrave is that there are no races rules and hopefully never will be. I can use any model of any race in my warband. If I want humans, I can have humans. If I want dwarves, I can have Dwarves. Soon, if I want Gnolls, I can have Gnolls.

  10. I'm glad everyone is excited. I certainly am. RCW - I have no plans to introduce racial distinctions into the warbands. Gnolls will operate along the same lines as other soldiers, but there will be a reason that some wizard might want to employee such soldiers...

  11. That's awesome!

    I will build a large Underground Pit, so I need many of them! This is really awesome!

  12. very nice - cant wait for the expansion

  13. These guys are the true face of the Disney corporation.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Dear Sir,

    I am very intérested in your game, that you made nearly perfect according to me. Just the background part is a bit too simple may be despite flexible and however very interesting by itself.
    I noticed that the frostgrave book is of high quality, with very suggesting pictures and sceneries. But, despite cheap, the models are a bit oldschool and not very clear (some may be female or male depending on the point of view).
    I have a project with the town of Le Puy en Velay, in France, wich is a mediaval City with a strong historical background. Once people come from the everywhere to make the town living as if it was during end of middle age (crossbow contest, hitsorical reconstitution, etc)
    The town is also one of the main 3 starting of St Jacques de Compostelle pilgrimage with thousand of people coming to Le Puy to make the trip (on the UNESCO world heritage list.)
    The abbaye of La Chaise Dieu is known for its famous international festival of classical Music. http://www.chaise-dieu.com/en
    And many many things like that.
    The Mayor Laurent Wauquiez, leaves the town a couple of months before to become the President of Région Thones-Alpes Auvergne, when before he was Minister of Research and University Teaching, and Minister of Labour a couple of year ago. His ambitions are clear, very clear in France, Becoming President. His professionnal network is oustanding and his efficiency usually admitted..
    So I hope for him that he know what could be good for his carreer. Anyway, he helped me a bit a couple of time and apparently he played a warhammer dwarf army when he was young. He is one of our acquaintance.

    I contact the Major team to see what would be their need as a promotion of the twon, they ask very little, I offer them to make a game in the town.

    P****** R** an expert in modelling make huge sceneries (for mordheim for instance, with an exceptionnel level of details, you can contact him at ************ for hi to show you his outstanding work. He loves FRostrgrave also and recently made a very pretty table for it in only two weeks. His band is also nice. But the table he made for mordheim is a chef d'oeuvre). The idea is to do the same for Le Puy to promote the game.

    For money i Contacted many people (Bansk, M. Wauquiez, a friend of mine which is in a minister in belgium, and formerly in Finance), etc to tell them but I need to build the bases of the project to sell its qualities. The salary will reflect the quality of the work.

    It is very short compared to the huge amount of possibilities it offers. If you are interested, please contact me Mister,
    Cordially Mister, hope you could reply soon,

    Sylvain Mazoyer
    Responsable Aurore Obscure The Game
