Thursday, March 17, 2016

Gondorian Patrol

At long last, I finished my second Knight of Minas Tirith that was first seen here. I am extremely happy with how he came out. I think the Warlord horse looks fantastic, definitely better than the Games Workshop one that came with the figure, which still looks just a little bit small to me. Still, I think the pair look pretty good together as they patrol some rocky area near the border with Mordor.


  1. Lovely painting and the tones on the horses are great.

  2. Love the rocks. Where did you get them?
    (I like your gondorian too, of course)

  3. The rocks are Gale Force 9, with a slight repaint on the bases. They come in a box of 5 or 6 - definitely worth picking up!

  4. Great work! Agree that the warlord horse looks better.

  5. Great use of Warlord's horses. I too am just about to start work on my Gondorian force and have encountered the same issue as you - metal rider minis on GW plastic horses just do not work due to the single contact point with the base. I am also looking to re-horse my Rohan Royal Guard in a similar way, so any other suggestions would be welcome.

  6. They look great together - nice to have an option for the mounts.

  7. Looks Good. I have been using those same Warlord horses to replace broken horses fro my Rohan force. Not really an issue for most of the plastic cavalry, but the Royal Guard and metal character models can have issues....
