Sunday, April 24, 2016

Theoden, King of Rohan

While I’m not complaining, it is rare these days that I get a lot of time to myself. Gone are the days where I can consistently devote two-hours straight to painting a figure. However, a couple of weeks ago, my wife and daughter were spending a night with the in-laws... With no one around but me and the cat, I broke out the painting supplies, got my walkman and a Doctor Who audio adventure, and decided to devote some serious effort to a single figure!

Poor Theoden had been sitting on my painting table gathering dust for some time. I knew that I wanted to paint him ‘by the book’, and I also knew that it was going to take some serious time and concentration. In the end, it took even longer than the Doctor Who, but I got him finished!

The real challenge of this figure was the armour, or specifically, the gold trim on the armour. It was extremely fiddly, and when painting gold on black, any little mistake practically glows at you. I probably spent more time repainting bits of the armour than I did painting the rest of the figure.

In the end though, I’m extremely happy with the result. The figure is simply fantastic, one of the premier pieces in a range full of great sculpts, and I really wanted to do it justice to the best of my abilities.

I can’t wait to get him on the table leading some Rohirrim!


  1. Great painting, and excellent choice in listening as well. I wholeheartedly approve :-)

  2. Thanks B- Big Finish puts out the best audio dramas around, and they've delivered a lot more quality Doctor Who over the last ten years than the BBC!

  3. Replies
    1. Oh...and I've only gotten into BF Who in the last 6 months or so...but wow I've spent a small fortune. Superb stories!

  4. Lovely figure and you've manage to pick out the detail superbly. Looks great.

  5. Nice figure....I have one but painted very poorly ages ago😢

  6. Excellent! Now I wonder did you also do him mounted? I am trying to recall if this was a mounted/dismounted set. No pressure ;)

  7. The figure was, I think packaged with a mounted version at one point, but I don't have it. Mine came through the Battle Games in Middle-Earth magazine, which only had the single figure. Maybe someday.

    1. I don't think an armored mounted Theoden came out until the Return of the King 'Pelennor' sculpt. The only other mounted one is the 'Warg Attack' Theoden. As far as I know anyway. Great paint job by the way Joseph. LOTR and Frostgrave is a perfect combo :)
