Monday, July 4, 2016

Frostgrave: State of Play and Contest!

It is now almost exactly a year since the release of Frostgrave: Fantasy Wargames in the Frozen City, and what a year it has been! With this anniversary, I thought it would be a good time to take stock of all that has happened, talk a bit about what is coming up, and to have a little fun by giving a few things away!

Frostgrave Triumphant

Well, by almost every measure, Frostgrave has been a huge success. As of a couple of months ago, the main rulebook has sold over 16,000 copies in English, and is currently on its eighth(!) printing. It has also been translated into French, German, and Japanese with a Spanish translation coming soon. I have no idea how well it has sold in those markets. The first supplement, Thaw of the Lich Lord has sold just shy of 8,000 copies in English and has also appeared in French and Japanese. Three ebook mini-supplements: Hunt for the Golem, Sellsword, and Dark Alchemy have also been released, but I don’t have any numbers for those.

The game has received tremendous fan support. The main Frostgrave Facebook page has nearly 5,000 members (wow!) while the dedicated Lead Adventure Forum is very active. This fan support has also been crucial to Frostgrave winning two awards: Miniatures Game of the Year from Beast of War and Best Miniatures Game from UK Games Expo. It also received a nomination in the Origins Awards.

Coming Soon

In the next couple of weeks, the second full length supplement, Into the Breeding Pits will be released. Unlike Thaw of the Lich Lord, this book is less about specific scenarios and more about new rules to give new options for wizards and new play experiences.

In September, there will be another ebook mini-supplement entitled Arcane Locations which will contain some new scenarios designed to be played with slightly unusual table set-ups.

This will be followed in November by Forgotten Pacts, another print supplement which focuses on demons and the barbarian tribes that live in the mountains to the north of the Frozen City. And yes, the rumours are true, the book will be supported by a new box of plastic barbarian miniatures. (I have seen the 3-ups and they are awesome!).

The Future

In March next year, all of the mini-ebooks and a bit of new material will be collected into a print supplement called The FrostgraveFolio.

And there, until recently, was where things ended. However, I can now happily announce that Osprey have commissioned me to write three further supplements about the Frozen City! I can’t reveal any details at present, but there is certainly more Frostgrave coming! Also, although it is top secret at the moment, they have further commissioned me to write a ‘Frostgrave related product’...

So, the truth is, I’m booked up for the foreseeable future!

The Contest

It has been a darn good year for Frostgrave, and a really good year for me professionally off the back of it. So, as a little thank you, I’m going to hold a contest and give away a few things! I’ve got two ‘Frostgrave Gift Packs’ to give away. Each pack includes a signed copy of Into the Breeding Pits, one each of the two printed Wizard Cards, a Frostgrave Ruler, and a resin cast of the Zombie Troll!

I will be selecting winners for each of these packs next week. One winner will be randomly selected from among the followers of this blog. The other will be randomly selected from anyone who comments on this post (make sure to include your name!).  Check back next week when I announce the winners!


  1. All the awards and success are well deserved... Frostgrave got me back into miniature gaming and it's been a blast!! I convinced a few friends to play here in Chile, so you can mark another spot in your map for Frostgrave conquering the world :P

    I'll be waiting eagerly the next and yet unnamed Frostgrave products :)


    Andres Villaseca

  2. More power to you Keep these awesome books coming. I am really glad I discovered Frostgrave. I would really love to see you design a tournament format. So we can have some very social tournament games and maybe win some exotic loot an prizes :-D can't wait to read into the breeding pits too :-)

  3. Huge congratulations! A well deserved success for a thoroughly fun game that got me enthusiastic for miniature painting for the first time in years. Here's to many more years of success to come.

    Tom Bean

  4. So glad to hear we can expect more Frostgrave for a long time! This is truly one of my favorite miniatures games!

  5. Frostgrave is the only miniatures game I'm playing these days, and I love it. My group of friends is currently playing through the Lich Lord scenarios and we're looking forward to future content. I'm especially excited for plastic barbarians! Show us some pictures!!!

  6. Just played my first game last week and I love it!

  7. Wow! Sounds amazing. My wallet weeps though!

  8. All the reward and recognition is well deserved, it's a damn fun game to play!

    Vinnie Hurford

  9. Great game I've had fun building and painting stuff for it, hope to get a lot more games in soon.

    Bryan Mitchell

  10. Congratulations and Happy Birthday!

    This year I have also been playing Dragon Rampant, and I've discovered how great is Osprey for light hearted miniature games!

  11. Very well done, can't believe it's only been a year!looking forward to all of the new supplements and the other things you have in store for us


    Dan Tibbals

  12. Keep up the good work Joe. Frostgrave is the only game that has allowed me to keep wargaming due to have time constants of becoming a bad but being deep enough to make you want to keep on playing.

    Thanks again.


  13. Wow! Very nice to hear that there's going to be even more Frostgrave. Very nice indeed!

    And congratulations to you Sir, what an achievement.

    Frostgrave is my favourite fantasy skirmish game, I fell for the frozen setting right away. There seem to be the perfect balance between written setting and the open atmosphere for being creative.

  14. Cool, great to see the game is going to have ongoing support, can't wait to see more.

  15. Looking forward to everything!!!!! Very excited about what this game is and what it's becoming!!!!

  16. "The FrostgraveFolio" is some brilliant news! I had heard something along those lines would eventually come out, but I didn't know It would be so early!
    Same goes for Forgotten Pacts, as soon as November.

    Glad to hear the game is healthy and doing well, it has been fresh for the miniature wargaming community!

    Hugo Calavia

  17. You've enriched my hobby experience, Joe! So huzzah to you and huzzah to Frostgrave! And here's to many many more years!

    Doc Remington aka Demetrios

  18. Really looking forward to the coming books and great to hear Frostgrave has a future. With the new books and the fact people can build up a Base is there any chance of expanding the bases and have rules for attacking other players bases and Torching building?

    Richard Cook

  19. Happy 1st birthday Frostgrave! Nice to see that there's much more to come - bravo sir, bravo.
    Keep up the great work,
    Jon (aka jp1885)

  20. The game that reallg got me excited about tabletop gaming again. Can't say thank you enough really, excited to see what's coming in the future!

  21. Congratulations from Canada Joe! It is really great to see such a fine product doing so well. The praises that you get are well deserved and I can't wait to see what else you have in store for us!

  22. I can't believe FG is only a year old; it's been looming large on my gaming horizon for what seems like much longer!

  23. Loving the game and the setting and wish I had more time to play (job, kids, etc), also my wife is an accomplished writer and would love to write some short stories regarding this setting. Look up my FB page Dragon and Quill and just pm me if this is something that would interest you or osprey. Keep up the awesome work!

  24. Huge Forstgrave fan! I am looking forward to the future releases. Barbarian plastics will be awesome!

    -Bob Haley

  25. Only a year...can't believe that this game is that young. Congratulation for a successful concept.

  26. Frostgrave is an amazing game and I'm now just starting a frostgrave RPG with my group. Can't wait to start it.

  27. Well done and well deserved!


  28. Frostgrave is an amazing game and I'm now just starting a frostgrave RPG with my group. Can't wait to start it.

  29. Only a year...can't believe that this game is that young. Congratulation for a successful concept.

  30. Thank you for such a great game!

    Ben Wagner

  31. Congratulations! I look forward to more frostgrave goodness. Would love to see more solo play for those of us that can't always get a group together to play

  32. This really is a fun game. My friends have enjoyed. Nice meeting you at Adepticon.

  33. A small thank you for making this game. It has brought me already many good fights and more to come. Thinking of starting a new campaign at my club.

    Glad to see it it going strong!

    Kind regards from Denmark
    Johnny Frandsen

  34. Great game. Love playing it! Eric Schneider

  35. Loving the game, and I've just started running a narrative campaign for 14 guys in our gaming club, and planning to run a similar campaign at our Con in November. Looking forward to the next couple of releases, and quite excited to hear you've got more on the way. Keep it coming!

  36. Loving the game, and I've just started running a narrative campaign for 14 guys in our gaming club, and planning to run a similar campaign at our Con in November. Looking forward to the next couple of releases, and quite excited to hear you've got more on the way. Keep it coming!

  37. Congratulations, it was very Frosty year :)
    All these old fantasy miniautres back in action just because of Frostgrave.
    Best Wishes
    Boguslaw Olszak

  38. Is the folio likely to contain the errata? And/or is there going to be a reprint of the core book with the errata in?

  39. Im really amaze how successful this game has been! a good skirmish with lots of fantasy fun.

  40. Thanks for the game, one of my favourites:)

  41. Congrats Joe, and fully deserved - Frostgrave is a great skirmish game.
    Hoping to get a campaign started at our club soon.

  42. Just about to get into frostgrave! Better late than never as they say ! �� so I am looking forward to all the extra content ! ��

  43. This is the first miniature game I really got into. It's great in it's simplicity :)

    - Janeck Jensen

  44. Congrats on a job well done! I love everything about Frostgrave and all the sublements are mustbuys! Its been a long time that i enjoyed age game (setting) asmuch as Frostgrave! Thanks for all the hardwork and please keep up the good work!

  45. Congrats on a job well done! I love everything about Frostgrave and all the sublements are mustbuys! Its been a long time that i enjoyed age game (setting) asmuch as Frostgrave! Thanks for all the hardwork and please keep up the good work!

  46. Wow! Time flies - I've bought the rules and read them, but not yet played. I aim to fix that this year!

  47. Is it really only a year since Frostgrave was released? Wow, what a roller coaster.
    Looking forward to many years more.

  48. Well Done. Im addicted keep coming up with themes for warbands. Latest one is OZ.
    I have a Summoner (Wicked Witch of the West). her apprentice (Wicked Witch of the East). Captain (Tin Man). Apothecary (Scarecrow). War Dogs (Flying Monkey). Still looking for Lion, cant find a figure I like (must be hiding lol)
    Robert Gilmour

  49. I love this game and all his expansions! Thanks for your work
    Giglio Paolo

  50. Massive, massive congratulations on your well-deserved success! It sounds cheesy, but Frostgrave really is the miniatures game I've always waited for. For me it ticks every box of what I look for in a mini wargame. Can't wait to see what comes next!

  51. Can't wait to see into the breeding pits. I have enjoyed all the previous books, so I'm looking forward to this one.

    Jordan Phoenix

  52. This is pretty cool! Just starting out worth Frostgrave, this would be great!

    John Hathcock

  53. I am so happy with the success of this game, please continue to write more lovely Frostgrave supplements. Even if you were to stop writing, I am more than certain fans will continue to write ideas and use the game as a platform of creativity.

    Thank you,
    LC (Devon Hicks)

  54. Can't believe it has been just a year! This has taken up so much of my hobby time and the Frostgrave forums on Lead Adventure and Facebook have become a second home 😁

  55. You totally deserve all of the success. Your game is what people have been wanting for a long time.

  56. Congrats and all the best!
    Stefan Ebner

  57. You totally deserve all of the success. Your game is what people have been wanting for a long time.

  58. Been great watching this grow from the beginning, looking forward to seeing where you take it !

    Thanks is for all the frostgravy ��

    Lee Glover

  59. So glad to hear that more Frostgrave is incoming as I've enjoyed this game so much.

    It's been so much fun creating a warband and terrain and diving into the scenarios of the frozen city.

    Thank you for sharing such a wonderful game with us.��

    Wayne Douglass

  60. Thank you for an awesome game, Joe!

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Congrats on the success of Frostgrave. Because of this game, when I'm out shopping, the thoughts of "Does it Frostgrave?" akin to "Does it blend?" pop into my mind.

  64. Thank you so much for such a wonderful fantasy skirmish game. I cannot wait for Into the Breeding Pits. I ordered my copy from my local shop to support where I play. I ran a demo of it on Free RPG Day this year and will be running another demo this coming weekend.

  65. i could go on for days about how great this game is. thanks for such an awesome game Joe!

  66. Great game. Wish I could play it more. I love the way you can incorperate more different minis to use during your campaign. Keep those books coming.

  67. Great work so far. Am glad that frostgrave has done so well for you and am looking forward to all the new supplements we are going to see in the future.
    Especially glad that the e-pubs are going to be printed in one book eventually as I've been holding off getting them them in case this happened.

    Tnx for all your hard work.

    Ps would be great if I won too ;)

  68. I cannot believe its only been a year! Your creation has truly taken the gaming world by storm.

  69. Been playing frostgrave since it came out. It is a simple and elegant game which we love at my club. We are looking into running a weekend tournament at our club . Just keep the new supplements and rules coming.
    Steve Smith (chairman, Danum Dice Asylum)

  70. Seems like Frostgrave has always been here, thanks Joe

    Iain Ciplinski

  71. Awesome news all around! Congratulations on your successes.

  72. Thanks for a great game!

    Douglas Craig

  73. Thanks for a great game!

    Douglas Craig

  74. You simply must pat yourself on the back for writing such a well received product!

  75. Thanks for getting my enjoyment back for fantasy wargaming.

    Mark Coulter.

  76. Well the fact is you have created a very playable and exciting world with many possibilities and variables. I for one have bought every single related miniature and own all the books. I look forward to the new releases and the continued success of Frostgave. Andrew Mellor.

  77. I've wanted to wargame for over a decade now, but could never find people to play with (or else couldn't afford the games people were playing). Frostgrave gave me the opportunity to finally play games with the little toy soldiers I've painted.

  78. Brilliant game, looking forward to more Frostgrave books and hopefully some new models.

  79. Fantastic keep it Dark and cold as Frostgrave should be

    Paul Hayes

  80. Frostgrave has been a breath of fresh air for our miniature gaming sessions. We have loved the speed and simplicity of it. I have especially enjoyed kitbashing miniatures for warbands and am currently starting a warband of Driders!

  81. Congratulations on an outstanding product and the success, so richly deserved. Painting up 15mm miniatures to play Frostgrave as we speak. Keep the books coming matey :)

  82. John Csonka (UAE).

    Even here in the UAE gamers who have played this game are hooked and love the game. Thank you for all your hard work.

  83. A great state of the game article. It is a fantastic game and really excited for the new material (whilst playing the heck out of the current releases!).

    Phil Diffey

  84. Congrats on the success of Frostgrave! Looking forward to your future endeavors!

  85. 16K copies... wauv... that is amazing

    Congrats, and thanks for a great game.

    Troels Rohde Hansen

  86. Congrats and happy anniversary to Frostgrave! :)

  87. Congrats on the success. I always look forward to our Frostgrave Campaign days. Thanks.

  88. Congrats for the tremendous success of Frostgrave and a big thank you for yourself, for making such a great game for us, the community :)! Iam looking forward to future expansions for Frostgrave, because i can't get enough of the Frozen City (one possible reason could also be the hot summer at the moment xD)!
    Best regards, Martin Habeck from Berlin :)

  89. Can't wait to see what forgotten pacts brings to the table. Keep up the good work :)

  90. Thanks for making such a fun game! It has given me and my friends many great hours of fun gaming and hobbying!
    -Stan McKim

  91. Happy Birthday Frostgrave! Congrats again to Osprey and all of the crew for a fantastic game, and their further journeys into their world of the frozen wastelands. I admit this is my first time on your blog. But, this is my first foray on any blog, and I will now continue to follow your blogs on Frostgrave. Cheers!

  92. You make a great game, sir, and I look forward to all of the future expansions with enthusiasm!

  93. You deserve all the success, Frostgrave is a great game!

  94. This is a great game! Easy to learn and easy to teach too!

    I run a Gamers Club at the school that I teach at and I can't wait to introduce this game!

    -William Robert II

  95. I'm looking forward to getting hold of my gnickstarter pledge and playing some underground games. Frostie'G is the only game I've been playing recently and its great fun!

  96. Congrats Joe, I'm glad to see Frostgrave is successful, it really is a great game!

  97. Thats a great achievement in only one year. Frostgrave will run for ages. Well Done.

  98. Happy Anniversary! Well done. Keep up the epicness!

  99. So nice news!! :] thanks for this great game

  100. Well done, have all the books and many of the miniatures. Mark Callahan

  101. Well deserved, tis a wonderful game! Nic Evans.

  102. I'm looking forward to the "folio". And I'm always up for new scenarios! Keep up the great work, and roll on the 'Frostgrave RPG' (there, I called it).

    Mike Waine in Western Australia.

  103. Congrats on the Ennies nomination! I'll be voting for you!

  104. Absolutely love Frostgrave, not only has it allowed me to find a use for a fair few minis i have had kicking around for years, but it has rekindled the spark of terrain building that i didn't even realize i had lost over the years.

    Keep up the fantastic work, i am so very glad you and you game have received so much praise, it is all most deserved.

    All the best and many thanks for such awesomeness.

  105. Demons and barabarians, heck yeah. Frostgrave has got me back into painting figs like nothing else I have ever played. This is our go to game now and I don't see that changing anytime in the near future. Keep rolling out the new stuff and we'll keep buying it.

  106. So happy with Frostgrave, even when I'm not.

  107. this game got be back into my long forgotten passion of mini gaming , so glad to hear it has done so well and it is well deserved

  108. Happy 4th of JULY!! Keep on making amazing games sir!

    I really am very pleased with Frostgrave, you have tapped into something that I think a very large number of mini gamers were longing for. It has a bit of a retro feel, it is something that is approachable, yet it has enough crunch to be satisfying. It is a system that isn't tied to a specific range, or minis release schedule, etc. In short it was a godsend for a good many of us :)

  109. That is some great news. I am really looking forward to the new stuff coming out for this game.

    -Damien Larsen

  110. Excellent game all round. It's been a big success at our club and I'm looking forward to the new material.

  111. It's a very evocative setting, and fun game. I just wish there were a few more players locally--but more material might help with that.

  112. Congratulations on your success, sir! You've done a wonderful job.

    - Clayton Conduff

  113. Happy to support such a wonderful game.

    Todd Schamp

  114. Congrats on the success Joe. The kids and I enjoy the game very much. Don't even have my gnolls yet and I'm eager for the barbarians!

  115. Congrats on the success Joe. The kids and I enjoy the game very much. Don't even have my gnolls yet and I'm eager for the barbarians!

  116. I'm very excited to see what you are bringing to Frostgrave. The setting keeps getting better with each supplement.

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. I have loved Frostgrave since I was introduced to it and your unrelenting support Joe has made it one of my all time favorite games. I have never played a game where I can just jump online and get the designer's opinion on a ruling or a clarification. I currently own every supplement you have come out with and am eagerly looking forward to more. The funny thing is I can't even play all that often but I enjoy every game immensely. Keep up the good work and I will see you in the Lead adventure fourms :-)

  119. I first played Frostgrave at Huzzah Con in Portland, Maine. Loved the game, and now I'm getting my friends into the game and building a warband of my own!

  120. I enjoy Frostgrave the concept is inovative and new. I am planning on expanding my librairy.

    Jean Desroches

  121. Congrats on all the success. This game got me back into miniature wargaming after 15 years. I've had a blast painting minis and making terrain and love the world you are building.
    - Chris Bogert

  122. Congrats again on a game which has taken on a life of its own! I am glad to hear you've been shackled for another 3 additions...maybe more if the candy is good eh!
    Our next game is Sunday so be sure to check my blog Monday eve for the AAR.

    Cheers - Terry Silverthorn

  123. Love how active this game is! Keep it up Joe. This is the first mini game I have tried and I'm totally hooked -have been playing non-stop since Nov 2015 haha. Can't wait for all the new campaigns & supplements.


  124. Great game Joe. My gaming group loves this game. Simple but elegant, low buy in and infinitely replayable. Thank you for this wonderful addition to our Wednesday nights.

    Ryan Fountain
    The Murder Hobos

  125. A year already :O? Time is flying fast ;)

  126. More Frostgrave - great news!! - I'm especially looking forward to seeing all the pdf stuff in an actual book! - Keep up the good work Joe!

  127. We are having a great time with this game. Can't wait for more FG additions

  128. Happy to hear that there will be more FG coming - have enjoyed this game tremendously and it's a much welcome addition to the miniature scene in a fresh setting. Also really happy for the opportunity to use our very diverse model collections... ;-)

  129. Yeah! Doing a good job Joe! Really love this game and really looking forward to all the new releases!

  130. Fantastic game, really enjoy playing and look forward to all the future developments. Thanks for Frostgrave :-)

  131. Planning on a Virtual Campaign that will hopefully bring players from all over the place together. Absolutely love this game and am ecstatic to hear that there is plenty in the future for us.

  132. Hey that is awesome news. Look forward to the expansion of the Frostgrave world that little bit more. Well done and can't wait to read it all and get playing with new rules and scenarios!

    Peter Lattimore

  133. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  134. Looking forward to seeing where the future will take Frostgrave - a great game, ideal for an evening's play when time is limited.

  135. Well done and looks forward to an even frostier future! I run a school lunchtime gaming club for the students and this is unanimously the favourite and most accessible system by a long, long way! Thank you so much and awaits the next instalments and associated works with baited breath!

    1. frosty, drop me a line, I'd love to hear about the gaming group.

  136. Frostgrave rulez! And by the way ... where is our summer. Keep on writing this fun and exciting set of rules. At last a good system that keep Wargaming fun

  137. Happy Birthday Frostgrave!
    Greetings Sebastian S.

  138. I really enjoy Frostgrave and all of its expensions. They game is so well supported on Facebook too and I love how this allows you to connect with the fan-base. Keep up the good work Joe!

    Kind regards,
    Jan van der Steen

  139. Excellent skirmish game! :-)
    Keep on writing.
    Gabriel D. (Be)

  140. Congratulations - I'm especially looking forward to the plastic barbarians!


  141. Congrats from Italy for one of the most fun and furious skirmish i've never played !

    Gianluca Fuccillo

  142. We are enjoying the game a lot in Switzerland, and the Community just keeps on growing. Really a great game, please do more SOLO campaigns :D. Edwin Z

    1. I do hope to do more solo games, but, man, they are REALLY hard to balance!

  143. Well done joe, great to see frostgrave has a longer term future!

  144. I like Frostgrave very much. It's a very fun game to play. I like it even more by now than my former favourite Infinity :-)

  145. Frostgrave and yourself deserve the attention the game received, it is a nicely design story driven game and those are rare nowadays.
    Thansk for the game and the work.

    Guillaume B.

  146. You can be proud Joe, you made a fantastic game that introduced me in painting Fantasy minis and skirmish games :) Good job!

  147. Congrats, that's an awesome development!
    Good luck for the future.

    Ben Bauhaus

  148. Well deserved success, a great game.

  149. Great news to hear more will be coming! Can't wait for the new releases, those barbarians sound interesting.
    Wim D.

  150. I've head wonders of Frostgrave but haven't played it myself yet... There won't be a better oportunity to try it out than having a gift pack :P

  151. Congratulations Joe, what a fantastic year! We've just finished (last night) the first campaign and shortly will start Lich Lord, it's been so much fun!

    All the best,


  152. Finally picked up a copy of Frostgrave, this is my summer project! Very impressed so far just need to pick a wizard type....

  153. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  154. Frostgrave is a hit, son. You did well.

    Won't be missing a release!

  155. Congratulations on an amazing first year. After meeting you and some of the team at salute, I was totally impressed by your ambition and drive with this project. I was already into a campaign but that cemented the game into my heart and mind. Thank you and keep up the good works.

  156. Really enjoyed our time with Frostgrave so far. Must get back to making some more terrain for it!

    Thanks and congratulations!

  157. Awesome news, looking forward to the future of Frostgrave. Thank you, keep up the great work!

  158. Alexandre SgtBlueberryJuly 5, 2016 at 12:44 AM

    Defrosted! Man your game brought me to miniatures wargaming again (was lost in XBOX) Thanks!

  159. Really enjoying our games in Frostgrave. It's been a great campaign so far, and really good to see that the author is so in touch with the community. Thanks!

  160. An excellent addictive game with very easy rules!
    Laurence F.

  161. Really great game - even got the (non gamer) girlfriend to throw some dice!
    James R

  162. Congratulations, on a great little game.
    John Daybell

  163. This is my first miniatures game. Congratulations on the result

  164. You did an awesome job with creating the world of Frostgrave. A lot of people I know play this game and it's hard nowadays to find a mutual system for everybody. And I'm painting at the moment m third warband. I couldn't thank you more!

  165. Congratulations on a fantastic first year, Joe.

  166. Congrats! I only wished i had played it more! But this should be a wake up call! time to start that Thaw campaign!

    congratulations again
    Lau K. Lauritzen

  167. These rules deserve their success !
    Kind regards,

  168. The game is a blast, congratulations. I'm happy for your success.
    But, is there any effort to balance the game a little? As it is right now, it seems the Elemental Bolt spamming is a bit too good. Also,would love to see 2 features added:
    1) support for unbalanced encounters (akin to handicap points, or at least, gold & xp multipliers/dividers)
    2) more flavour to the kind of mage you choose. How about adding one iconic once-per-game spell or ability per especialization that can only be used by those mages? Like Necro could have their own exclusive zombie soldier, elementalists could choose one element for one extra effect (dot, movement impairment, armor piercing), thaumaturgues mass cleansing all enemy spells ongoing in the field... or make it require 3 or more learnt in that type (challenging for non-members of that specialization)

    1. Well, there is something new in Into the Breeding Pits that Elementalists really aren't going to like... The next two supplements both contain ways to further personalize your wizard, although neither are directly related to the specific school of magic. As for 'balance' - the problem is there is no easy way to rate the strength of a warband. In truth, players are really in a better position than the rules writers to balance games, but it is something I'm still thinking about.

  169. Congratulations on the well-deserved success!

    I wish you well with the other projects (Frostgrave or not) that this has led to.

  170. Well that's definitely one way to get followers and comments! :)

    I'm really enjoying Frostgrave and really looking forward to "Into the Breeding Pits" as I've already been playing games in dungeons. :)

    1. Yeah, all the comment notifications kind of overwhelmed my email!

  171. I discovered this game late last year, and it's been an absolute hit :-) so easy for anyone with a fantasy (or Fantasy, hint hint) collection to pick up and play, and easy to get into, it's a wonderful little winner!

  172. Brilliant game looking forwards to the next books.

  173. It is a game that I recently discovered and liked it

  174. Frostgrave is simply the most entertaining setting for a miniatures game I've come across in years. The nature of play makes it easy to pick up but there's a lot of depth in the scenarios and the Wizard's powers. I look forward to lapping up more books and painting more models.

  175. Great news, can't wait for the Frostgrave Folio - there's just something about having a physical copy rather than a PDF.Frostgrave got me back into gaming after a twenty year absence, and was the perfect introduction to gaming for my daughter, so it'll always be more than just a game for me! And I hope the 'related product' Osprey have commissioned is an RPG ...

    Richard Strachan

    1. I agree, nothing beats a physical book! Hearing about Frostgrave being a bridge between parents and children, husband, wives, boyfriends, and girlfriends has been one of my favourite parts of the game's success.

  176. There is a huge hype for the Spanish translation. Lenguage is a big problem for a lot of people here; this will be opening a big door.

    Víctor Gondra

  177. Congrats on the success Joe. The kids and I enjoy the game very much. Don't even have my gnolls yet and I'm eager for the barbarians!

  178. Congratulations on your success. They are great sales figures. Well done!

  179. Congratulations to everyone!!

  180. Thanks for that simple, oldschool style and pretty bloody game!!!!

    Victor Garcia from spain

  181. Happy Birthday frostGrave! Looking forward to all the new material. Keep it coming!

    Bob Likins

  182. As a gamer dad, I love the simplistic-depth of the game. My young children play and enjoy and the wild tabletop strategist in me gets to come out of hibernation.
    Thank you
    Andy Davies from IL

  183. COngratulations! Look forward to even more supplements to come!

  184. Love the Look of the Barbarian Chieftan...
    And looking forward to an Army of Gnolls!!

  185. Congratulations on such a successful year for Frostgrave. All awards and accolades are well deserved. Your continuing support to the players, through your Forum and Lead Adventurer is, I am sure, part of the reason your game is so successful.

    Here's to many more years of success.

    Paul Buttolph aka Thargor

  186. Well done Joe, great to see your success seemingly come out of nowhere!
    Alan Graham

  187. I love Frostgrave! It really got me back into gaming. I've been slowly but steadily painting up all of the KS miniatures and getting the bestiary painted up from other manufacturers.

  188. Frostgrave is pretty sweet. I'm hoping to get some people at my local gaming store to start playing it
