Saturday, August 13, 2016

The Warriors of Athena

Devoted readers may remember a few months ago, when I posted this little teaser about a side project I was working on. Well, I have just received confirmation that it is soon going to appear in print in the next issue of Wargames: Soldiers & Strategy.

The Warriors of Athena is a solo wargame set in the world of Greek Mythology (or at least Hollywood-style Greek Myth). The player starts by creating his ‘Hero’. This begins with a roll on the parentage table to see if the hero is the son or daughter of a god or king. The player then gets to choose the stats and special abilities that define his hero. Finally, the hero must recruit a warband of other warriors to help him on his quest; this can include a few fantastic warriors such as centaurs and satyrs.

The basic rules are based on Frostgrave, and players will need a copy of the book, or at least a decent understanding of the rules, in order to play The Warriors of Athena.

After the creating a hero and building a warband sections, there are two linked scenarios to set your hero out on his journey through Mythic Greece. First the hero must rescue some prisoners from a band of pirates and then sail to a barren island and confront a deadly gorgon! If the hero survives, there are rules for experience and improvement.

At this point, The Warriors of Athena is just one article, but I am hopeful that if the feedback is good I will expand the game with new rules and scenarios in future issues. So, if you like it, make sure to let Wargames Soldiers & Strategy know!

You can pre-order the issue here. A PDF of the issues is usually made available for purchase after publication.


  1. A solo game, cool!

  2. Big fan of the idea...all I ask is that Frostgrave itself continues to receive new products and support.

    1. Don't worry, Frostgrave is still going to get a majority of the attention!

  3. This might be a silly question, but I'm quite curious: "solo wargame" = single player wargame?

    If so, any plans on expanding the game into co-op (like say, Dark Alchemy, or even regular player vs player?).

  4. Yes, solo meaning one player only. There is actually nothing that would stop it from being played co-op, or even player vs. player - it's just that the scenarios are designed for one player.

    1. Thank you for the clarification!
      Sounds promising, I'll have to take a lot at it, Dark Alchemy co-op has been a success here at home.

    2. No probs. I suppose the two scenarios could easily be converted to Frostgrave, although they might need to be made a bit more difficult!

  5. I'm always interested in Greek mythology games.
    Looking forward to the article!

  6. You got me at "solo wargaming" and "Greek mythology!" I have Frostgrave but am too nervous to play it against another opponent on account of the fact that it seems very complex (for me anyway). This sounds great!

  7. Well, Warriors of Athena removes the spells, which is the most complicated part, so I think you'll enjoy it!

  8. Will be a while before I can get the issue, but I'd love to start building the required models right away: would you be able to disclose roughly how many and what kind of models would be required for the warband? Heavily armoured hoplites, unarmoured ones, archers, peltasts, [...]? Or are the warband rosters and costs simply comparable to Frostgrave?

  9. Awesome idea, certainly makes me want to break out certain skeletons ;)

  10. I just picked up a copy of Wargames Soldiers and Strategy simply on the strength of how cool this looked. Good job, and I hope you do indeed write further adventures for it down the line!

  11. Just found this and it has so many possibilities... Going to use it to do solo Tekumel, Thanks
