Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Frostgrave Folio

Although Forgotten Pacts is next up for Frostgrave, I thought people might enjoy a look at the cover for the first supplement for 2017! The Frostgrave Folio collects all of the previously released ebook mini-supplements along with a new mini campaign and presents them in print for the first time! 


  1. Stunning cover!...Will this include the scenarios from this blog and magazines etc too?

  2. Looking great. I would love a book just featuring the stunning Frostgrave artwork!

  3. Replies
    1. An art book collection would be awesome, perhaps with some short stories, facts. I love those small pieces of text in the book - the ladder standing by itself is my favourite.

      I would never buy a calendar.

  4. Something else to look forward to, cheers :-)

  5. I like the look on that book. And I'm gonna end up buying everything twice. I can't wait to read the new stuff, so I buy the pdfs. And I'm gonna this book as well, gonna look good next to the other stuff.

    Good point putting some extra stuff in the book.

  6. That cover is spectacular. Really looking forward to getting these rules in print.

  7. Amazing artwork as usual!
    For those of us who already have most of the content digitally, will the extra content also be available to download?

  8. I'll be getting this for sure. I Absolutely love your work and this game. Keep the good stuff coming. ��

  9. Pre-ordered my copy. Thanks for the grouped collection!

  10. More wonderful art! Though all these supplements & expansions have me wondering if someone has compiled all the various lists into master ones for random creatures, treasures, etc to incorporate all the new spells, etc. Our campaign is only using the original book for now & we will likely need to look at this issue early next year!

  11. This might be my favourize Frostgrave cover! Will be happy to include captain and other stuff to our games.

  12. awesome...finally. I hate having to use devices for a boardgame.
    when the power is out...candles and FROSTGRAVE !!!!!

  13. Excellent cover art. Very nicely realised.
