Monday, February 13, 2017

Adepticon Bound

Just a quick note to say that near the end of March, I will be heading for Chicago for Adepticon. Not only is Adepticon one of most enjoyable miniature shows I have ever attended, but this year, I will be helping to host a special Frostgrave Campaign Day. I'm especially excited because Ash Barker, of Guerrilla Minaiture Games, is going to be running the event.

I have written three special scenarios for the campaign day, and everyone who participates in the campaign will be given a special 'Event Scenario Pack' containing these exclusive scenarios.

There are still some places left in the event, but they will almost certainly fill up, so register now if you want to be sure to take part. Just click on this link, and type in Frostgrave to find the event.

So, if you are headed to Adepticon, and you really should if you can, please come by and say 'hi'. I will either be hanging out at the Osprey Games stand or at one of the several Frostgrave events that are running over the weekend.


  1. Enjoy the journey. Hopefully these scenario's will be available for everyone down the road.
