Thursday, May 25, 2017

My New Job: Wargames Developer

In the seven years I have been running this blog, I have tried to keep it separate from my day job. The Renaissance Troll has always been a place for me to ramble on about my thoughts, projects, and hobbies. For the most part, it has been a wargaming blog, as that has been my main hobby for the last decade or so.

As the years have gone by, however, the line between my hobby and my job has blurred. With the publication of Frostgrave two years ago, the line grew even murkier. Now I’ve pretty much gone and done away with the line completely.

In a few weeks I will be closing the book on my time as the Marketing Manager for Osprey Games. Instead, I will be taking a part-time, work-from-home position in the new role as the Wargames Developer for Osprey Games. In this position I will be working directly with the Head of Osprey Games on developing new wargaming systems and products that will be owned and controlled by Osprey Games. For the most part, I will be writing and testing wargames rules. At this point I can’t talk about any of the projects I will be working on. That said, people who follow Osprey Games can probably make a pretty good guess about my first area of work...

So, what does this mean for the world of Frostgrave? Well, it’s good news actually.  As I said, my new job is only a part-time position. The rest of my time will be spent as a freelance writer, and I will continue to work on Frostgrave in that capacity. This should mean that I actually have more time to spend on the game. It will also hopefully mean that I will have more time to explore other writing opportunities.

I am about to take a bit of a step into the unknown, and the new job is only one part of the life-change about to happen. There will be other things to talk about soon.

It’s all a tad scary, but with change, comes excitement, and I am very excited to get started in my new work.

What does this mean for The Renaissance Troll? Honestly, I have no idea.


  1. All the best mate . Frostgrave have been fantastic in the gaming world and will have a place in many gaming clubs.

  2. That is amazing Joe! Good luck in all of your future endeavors in your new position!

  3. Its just a 'regeneration' really Joe - change, and not a moment too soon!

  4. Great stuff, I'm sure you'll go on to create more interesting and creative games in your new position. Look forward to seeing what comes next :-)

  5. Now that sounds like a pretty good move to me.
    Enjoy and embrace the change.

  6. Congratulations! I have to say I regularly type 'Osprey Games' into Amazon and sort by 'newest arrivals' to see all the wonderful upcoming games. Osprey really has been putting out the most superb stuff...from Odin's Ravens and Escape from Colditz to Frostgrave and all the blue wargames titles, I'm a huge fan. Looking forward to many more!

  7. Good luck Joe, change is scary, but also exhilarating when your driving the road!

  8. Best of luck! I think it's wonderful that you've managed to turn your hobby into a career. I hope you still do the odd blog post - maybe with the models that you paint?

  9. I hope that once you get started the unfamiliarity of your new venture will pass and you will start enjoying yourself.

  10. Congrats - I hope they pay you properly for all your good ideas

  11. Congrats on the new role with Osprey, and I'm certain this means even more fun and interesting wargames on the horizon.

  12. That sounds very exciting, Joe! I'm looking forward to seeing what comes of this- what fun new games you will come up with for us to play!

  13. sounds like an exciting time awaits. I really believe that Osprey Games are changing the wargaming world, and that is in no small part down to you. was great to say hello at UK Games Expo and pick up a copy of Ulterior Motives. your introduction has got my friend excited about giving Frostgrave a go.

  14. I hope that once you get started the unfamiliarity of your new venture will pass and you will start enjoying yourself.

  15. Congratulations Joe! This sounds like an amazing opportunity and I can't wait to see where this leads you and Osprey!

  16. #1 Heavyweight CHAMPEEN o'da wurld!!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.
