Wednesday, August 2, 2017

The First Heritor!

In a few weeks, about four days after I move house, I am off to Indianapolis for GenCon. I’ll be spending much of my time on the Osprey Games stand, where I will be running mini-demonstration games of Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago. With that deadline looming, I figured I’d better get some figures painted up to play! Also, it is probably about time I started talking about the game.

So, here is the first Ghost Archipelago figure I have painted. It’s actually an advance resin sample, not one of the nicer metals that will be released. It was sculpted to match one of the great Burmak art pieces in the book.

I’ve dubbed her Collandra, although her friends all call her ‘Big Red’. She’s a Heritor from a long line of powerful warriors. When creating a Heritor, you get to pick one ‘stat advancement’. In this case it was a pretty easy decision to increase her Fight. More difficult was picking her five starting Heritor Abilities. After a bit of thought, I selected Crushing Blow and Fling, which gives her a choice of nasty things to do to her enemies when she beats them in hand-to-hand combat. The rest of her abilities are more defensive. Spellshield to protect her from pesky Wardens. Mitigation to soften the blow of powerful attacks, and Standfirm so that no one can push her around.

In truth, she’s a pretty straightforward ‘tank’; there is not a lot of subtlety to her game, but that is often the best idea when running demos where you don’t have a lot of time, space, or quiet to go into the finer details. Just to make her point clear, I’ve equipped her with a two-handed weapon, a back-up hand weapon, and leather armour.

Now, she just needs a Warden and a few loyal crewmen to follow her in her adventures in the Lost Isles! 


  1. Nice background. Nothing wrong with tanks...

  2. I need to find time to check out your booth! Looking forward to FG:GA

  3. Super excited about GA. Feeling a little miffed that I'm not going to GenCon, is there anyway to get a demo in the UK?

    On a different note, I'd really love to be up and running with GA asap after release. Would it be possible to get a list of what monsters are going to be wandering into our games so that we can make a start on painting? I understand that there will be savages, but what are they armed with? There will be giant gorillas, but what other flora and fauna inhabit the GA?

    1. Seconded, on the monster list. This only Enemies I am aware of so far are the Snakemen.

    2. From the blurb we know of cannibal tribes, sorcerous snake men and poisonous water beasts.

      Nick from North Star Military Figures has been talking about gorillas and pterodactyls on Facebook.

      Would love to know more.

  4. Any chance of live streaming a demo for us mere mortals that don't get to go!

  5. Please...PLEASE...make some of the plastic snakemen with snake bodies. Bipedal snakemen just dont capture the image of a snakeman very much...

    1. her background by the way. I'm in FG and GA for the narrative. :)

  6. Nothing like having your appetite wetted, can't wait to get creating Heritors :-)

  7. Looks great. Ruleset sounds intriguing.
