Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Social Mechanics in Game Design

It's a good month for me in the wargaming magazines! Not only did my solo Ghost Archipelago scenario appear in Wargames Illustrated, but I've also got an piece in the new Wargames: Soldiers & Strategy no. 93.

This piece is more of an editorial. It delves into the question of how to take into account social interaction while design wargames. I won't say much about it here, because I said it there (if you will).

The piece earned me a really nice tweet from everyone's favourite wargamer, Henry Hyde:

Great piece in latest @wssmagazine by Osprey's @ReniassanceTrll - food for thought for #mniatures#wargaming rules writers - including me!

Thanks Henry! (I still miss Battlegames!)

As an added bonus, the piece includes a sketch of my head that makes me look like I'm wearing a Civil War ear kepi (it's actually a baseball cap).


  1. Thanks for the heads-up Joe, just got my copy in the mail!

  2. I enjoyed the article, thanks Joe. Couldn't agree more with your sentiment, and I would rather play a game I like with my friends at the club each week, than wait months to pay a game I love.

    1. Of course, Oathmark could fix that dilemma - no pressure! :-)

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