Friday, January 19, 2018


I was so pleased with the two warriors of Lamedon that I painted last week, I took the colour scheme I used for them and carried it straight into the next figure I painted. This archer is one of the ‘female crewmen’ that Bobby Jackson sculpted for Ghost Archipelago. I cut her off her integral base using a hobby saw. I was surprised how easy and effective this was, and I will certainly be using the technique for future figures.

I really took my time painting her, because I was enjoying it so much. For me, this figure has the perfect level of detail – lots of distinct little areas, but nothing so small that I couldn’t see it or hit it with a brush.

I’m not completely sold on the brown trousers. Perhaps I should have gone with a lighter colour there, but otherwise, I’m extremely pleased with the results. She’ll be joining my Ghost Archipelago crew, but, should Lamedon come under dire threat, she can always join in the defence!

Did I mention how thrilled I am to have Bobby Jackson sculpting some figures for Frostgrave and Ghost Archipelago? Well, I am! 


  1. Personally, I like the pants. The combined color scheme resembles a Native American with buckskin trousers and jacket, which fits in well with Ghost Archipelago.
    I've had less positive experiences with hobby saws, some of my Celts have to lurk in very tall grass to hide their lack of feet!

  2. I did wonder if my success might have been partially due to the specific model.

  3. A great looking archer, nice job and beautiful colors!

  4. I like the paint job just the way it is - she looks great.
