Thursday, February 1, 2018

Spellcaster Contest!

For the first two-issues of Spellcaster: The Frostgrave Magazine, I wrote most of the content myself. While this has been fun, it has always been my intention to invite others to participate in its creation. While I have started that process with a few targeted invitations for Issue 3, I am not quite ready to open it up to general submissions. That said, I wanted to give everyone who loves Frostgrave a chance to participate and an excuse to get their creative wizard hats on. So, I am announcing the first ever Spellcaster Contest!

A couple of years ago, I wrote an article for Wargames: Soldiers & Strategy which was essentially a collection of unique magical treasures, presented in the form of the auction. Well, I think it is time for a new auction, and I would like to invite everyone to submit one item for the auction. I will choose my 3 or 4 favourites to include in the issue, and everyone whose item is chosen will get a free PDF copy of the magazine.

Here is an item that was cut from that original article. It shows the format that each submission should take:

Sword of Wounding and Healing (Reserve Price 400gc)
The origins of our next item remain obscure. Probably it was a gift to a trusted lieutenant, or perhaps part of a payment to a mercenary for services rendered. The blade itself is magical and designed to burn inside any wound inflicted, a nasty piece of work. It also contains one other surprise. The hilt of the weapon contains a small hollow chamber sealed with a thick ornament of cut glass in the pommel. The chamber acts as a vial, holding a tiny amount of healing potion, just enough, perhaps, to keep one alive. Perhaps the language of the inscription on the blade will one day be understood, and the history of the item will become clear. Until then, it must remain a mystery. The bidding starts at 400gc...

This magical hand weapon has a +1 damage modifier. In addition, the bearer of the blade can spend one action to drink the potion contained in the pommel. This hidden chamber holds just enough healing potion to heal 2 points of damage. Between games, this potion store can be replenished by sacrificing another Healing Potion owned by the wizard. This replenishment uses up the whole of the Healing Potion.

Submissions should be no longer than 250 words, and must contain both a narrative section and rules section. Submissions should be sent to The contest is open now and will run to the end of February, when I will choose the winners.

Good luck, and I look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with!

Spellcaster: Issue 1 is available

On Kindle.
A print-on-demand is coming soon from

Spellcaster: Issue 2: is available

On Kindle.


  1. Great to hear that another issue of Spellcaster is in the works! I'll order 1&2 in print soon as they're both available

  2. Yeah, sorry about the delay. For some reason Issue 1 is proving a lot trickier to get set up for POD than Issue 2 was. We'll get there though.

  3. I LOVE the mecha ruleset in the issue 2. Gonna clean the dust of my Gunpla for this. Btw the spanish publisher of frostgrave, ht publisher, did an amazing job traslating the magazine un no time.

  4. If I have several ideas should I submit them all together or should I send multiple emails, one for each idea?

    1. Sorry, there is a limit of one per customer, so pick you best and submit!
