Thursday, April 12, 2018

Frostgrave: Maze of Malcor Scenario in Miniature Wargames

I am back in the magazines this month. Well, one magazine anyway. The new issue of Miniature Wargames (May 2018 - Issue 421) includes my article 'The Path to Frostgrave', which talks a bit about the process I go through taking a Frostgrave book from first pitch to finished product.

The article also includes a new scenario, 'The Belfrey'. I originally wrote this scenario as part of the soon to be released Maze of Malcor, but, for organizational reasons, I decided to drop it from the book. I'm glad it has found its own home!

The magazine contains a couple of other articles that were of interest to me, most notably the interview with Chris Tubb from Mithril Miniatures on his transition from traditional to digital sculpting.

The new issue doesn't seem to be up on there website yet, but I'm sure it will be soon. Otherwise, it can usually be found at WH Smiths and will almost certainly be available at Salute this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really looking forward to the new Frostgrave book! I hope all the magazine scenarios get collected at some point.
