Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Spellcaster 3 – Coming Soon! (And Contest Winners)

More good news for Frostgrave fans. I have nearly put the finishing touches on Issue 3 of Spellcaster: The Frostgrave Magazine! In fact, I am hopeful that the PDF version will be out next week with the print-on-demand not too far behind. As with the previous two issues, the POD version will come with a free PDF, so if you want both, it might be worth waiting. 

A kindle version will also appear around then as well, although, I must admit, buyers are getting a much nicer looking product going with the PDF or POD.

So, what’s in the new issue? Well, as you can probably guess from the cover, the big story is rangifer! This issue contains rules for making a rangifer shaman and his bodyguard, including a unique spell list, new troop types, and a rangifer treasure table. There is also a two-scenario solo campaign to get your shaman started on his adventures!

Fresh from writing his second Frostgave novel, Oathgold, Matthew Ward shows up in this issue with his new Frostgrave short story: Unfinished Business!

There’s a little treat for Ghost Archipelago fans in the form of 8 Ulterior Motives cards designed for use in the Lost Isles.

Phil Smith returns to Frostgrave with rules for making deals with the thieve's guilds.

And, of course, I present another Frostgrave auction with magic items created by Spellcaster readers. In fact, I can now reveal that the winners of the Spellcaster contest – those whose items appear in the issue – are:

Matt Napolitan
Andres Villaseca
Tim Lisauskas
Louis Napolitan
Richard Coulson
Dave McClumpha

Congratulations, you will all receive a free PDF of Issue 3.

So, hopefully, coming next week. Keep your eyes peeled!


  1. Sounds like a great issue; I'll be sure to order the POD edition when it's ready. Congratulations to the winners; you're immortalized in Frostgrave lore!

  2. I love Spell Caster magazine.. A great read and great content... Thank you..

  3. I bought the POD versions of issues 1 and 2 and I was pleased by how good they were. Really nice quality and full colour! I'm Looking forward to this next issue.

  4. I'm buying the PDf but would have loved the print versio nbut DriveThruRPG want to charge me over £4 for delivery whcih seems a little steep.

    1. That makes it over £10 an issue to have a printed version delivered!!

    2. Yes, unfortunately DriveThru have a flat shipping cost for POD, which means buying a single product is rather pricey. Not much I can do about that, I'm afraid. It's not so bad if you are buying multiple items.

  5. Issue 3 sounds brilliant! Can't wait to get my hands on the Rangifer rules and the new shaman mini

  6. I'm so happy to have got my item published :)

    I really liked the magazine!

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