Monday, October 15, 2018

Rangers of Shadow Deep - Cover Revealed!

I know a lot of people are patiently waiting for the release of Rangers of Shadow Deep, and I can report that a lot of progress has been made. In fact, we now have an official cover! Many thanks to Barrett Stanley for providing the cover art and Steve Meyer-Rassow for the graphic design!

The internal layouts for the book are now underway. This is the last major step towards completion. (There are a couple of minor ones, but they should take no more than a day or two once layouts are completed). So, when in the book going to be available? Not this week, I'm afraid, but next week is looking possible...

I will, of course, keep you updated!


  1. Looking good! I am on an mini buying moratorium, except for the minis I need for this... (because I have 70+ Blood & Plunder minis to paint before I get any more, LOL)

    1. If you've got a good collection of fantasy already, there probably isn't much else you will need.

  2. Very cool cover and I like the layout. The illustration has a grim foreboding and the fonts and layout give a quality that reminds me of a novel. My only minor comment would be that I'll need to keep the book away from my young kids as the depiction of violence with the severed orc(?) head would elicit questions that I am not really prepared to answer at their young and impressionable age. That being said, it won't significantly affect my purchasing choice but since it is something I was planning on playing with the kiddies anyways I'll just have to limit their access to the book.

    1. Interesting, I originally was against using this image on the cover, but the designer made this version as an option anyway - and I liked it too much not to go with it. I completely get your point though. Well, it'll be PDF first, so you can always print it out and just leave off the cover.

    2. I second the concern as I try to get my kiddies involved with these games. If they were to see this, they wouldn't go near the game again. Thankfully it's pdf. Can't wait for this game to come out!

      Where will I be able to get it from? We'll it be priced in British pounds? Please say no as being a Canadian... Everything is double. :(

  3. Looks excellent! I bought some LOTR plastic Rangers for this... they scale perfectly with Frostgrave/Northstar.

  4. Oh man, cover's looking really good!

    How well do you think Rangers of Shadow Deep will work for Sci-Fi-Settings (ie. Inq28)? Without any rules modifications, that is.

    1. To be honest, I think it would be very easy to re-imagine it all of the window-dressing and use it for an Inq28 game.

  5. Awesome Font!

    P.S. I'll be buying this to try it as a solo experience, but I'll be sure to leave it lying around when I go to my fortnightly wargaming club ;)

  6. Such a dark ambiance, frightening !
