Tuesday, May 21, 2019

My First 'Official' Ranger

My paint brush has been quiet lately. Partly this was due to a long holiday, partly a lack of motivation. However, I had a couple of really good painting session this weekend, and managed to complete one of the first of the official Rangers of Shadow Deep miniatures from North Star

At the moment, there are four rangers and some giant flies. They are currently only on sale to member of the Rangers of Shadow Deep and Frostgrave Facebook groups, but will be on general sale in a day or two.

They are all sculpted by Bobby Jackson and all of the rangers are based on Barrett Stanley’s artwork from the rulebook. (Yes, it is hard having so much talent devoted to my game!)


  1. She is a beauty! I will need some of these

  2. Judging by that wall, she brought knives to a gun fight! ;) Well done and a very nice figure!

    1. A lot of magic missile spells were expended...

  3. Tempting but the Reaper Bones Kickstarter has just landed. My paint queue has increased massively.

  4. Great stuff. How many rangers do you need for the core game?

  5. If you are playing solo, you'll probably have 1 ranger and about 7 companions)

  6. Beautiful model and great brushwork!

  7. I'm really enjoying the stream of low-to-mid fantast minis your work has ushered in.

  8. That is a lovely figure - and beautifully painted to boot! :-)
