Thursday, May 28, 2020


I am happy to report that everything seems to be on the upswing for me at the moment. I’ve had a really solid week of writing, and I have made significant advancements on a couple of projects. I’ve been reading up a storm, having finished Ghostmaker, the second Gaunt’s Ghosts book as well as Big Magic: How to Live a Creative Life, and Let Go of Your Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert (best known for Eat Pray Love). This second book was a quick, enjoyable read. It’s not really aimed at me, since I’m leading a heavily creative life already, but for those who would like to bring more creativity into their lives, especially if that creativity is writing, it might very well be worth a read. My wife also really enjoyed it.

I have also gained a bit of speed with my painting. My most recent conquest is Borok, the gnoll-minotaur hybrid from Frostgrave:Perilous Dark. I must admit, I have always been really pleased with the concept of Borok as a mid-level bad-guy for Frostgrave. I was thrilled that he got some great artwork in the book, and even happier when Bobby Jackson turned that artwork into an amazing miniature!

Saying that, I don’t think Borok is my best work. I got the colour choices just slightly wrong. They work, but they probably could have worked better. Also, as the first serious painting I did after my illness, I didn’t feel that I had quite all of my brush-control back, so some of the detail is a bit sloppier than I would like. That’s only true on close examination though; he’ll look great on the tabletop. 

The other nice thing about this figure is that he also works great for Greviks, the man-beast who appears in Rangers of Shadow Deep:Temple of Madness. Always nice when a figure can do double-duty!


  1. It looks nice! Until now I was using a Warhammer beast man for the gnoll-minotaur, but now you have encouraged me to replace it.

  2. That's a great mini. I love his lolling tongue. The paint job looks solid in the photos. The blue/yellow contrast gives him a bit of pop.

  3. Gaunt's Ghosts was the series I most read from the Black Library. Like most multi-volume series it does get a bit repetitive at times. But, stick with it as there are quite a few twists. Salvations Reach was the last volume I read. Enjoy the read

  4. Hello
    About a month ago I sent a feedback about Oathmark to your yahoo email address. A week later I sent an updated list to Osprey editorial and asked them to pass it to you. Now I have found more things to report but as I had no response neither from you nor Osprey, I would like to ask if there is an email adress that I could use to send a list of errors?

    1. Hello. I received your email and thought I responded, but perhaps not. You can just send it to me.

    2. Update sent. Thanks for this awesome game :)

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