Monday, August 24, 2020

Frostgrave: Perilous Dark – A Double-Winner!

It was a big day for Frostgrave yesterday, as the first-ever ‘virtual’ UK Games Expo came to a close.

First, Frostgrave: Wizards 2 won both the Judge’s Award and the People’s Choice award for Best Miniature Range.  A huge congratulations to Nick at North Star, Phil at Osprey Games, and to the sculptor, Bobby Jackson. These guys all had a lot more to do with this set than I did!

A few minutes after that, Frostgrave: Perilous Dark also ‘pulled-the-double’, and took the Judge’s Award and People’s Choice award for Best Miniature Rules. I admit that I’m very proud of that book, and I think its use stretches beyond Frostgrave. It also didn’t hurt that it’s a book on solo and co-operative wargaming that came along just when such a book was more useful than ever.

It’s been a crazy, confusing, and mixed-up year. I am delighted and proud to have won the awards, but I wish that I (and everyone) could have been at the show celebrating this hobby we all love. I wish I could have shared a few high-fives and maybe even a hug or two with the Osprey Games gang and other friends. Next year, hopefully! (And who knows, maybe Frostgrave: Second Edition will be up for the award!).

Many thanks to the organizers of UK Games Expo. I’m sure it was a major effort to organize the online version and it sounds like a lot of people had a lot of fun because of it! Also, a big thanks to everyone who voted for Frostgrave in the People’s Choice Awards! 


  1. Congrats Joe and well deserved! If 2nd edition doesn't win next year I'll eat my socks lol

  2. CONGRATULATIONS! Well-deserved awards for a GREAT product line.

  3. Congratulations! But it's not in your trophy case yet!

  4. Those are both well deserved wins.

  5. Congratulations, it's deserved!

  6. Isher's Weapon Shop- I laughed out loud! Wizard Linn ought to be used for that scenario
