Thursday, September 23, 2021

Medium Infantry Transport


A pair of mechs from the Firehawks Legion provide ground security for a medium infantry transport.

The mechs I have shown before. The aircraft is an Aeronautica Imperials model. I have little interest in the game, but the models are fantastic and, while they are technically (8-10mm) they scale pretty well with my 6mm Battletech. I gave this one a generic 'military' paint job so that I could use it with any force. (And also so I could paint it quickly!) I suspect it'll mainly be an objective, but I suppose I could also use it for infantry assaults. Three more came in the box!


  1. Nice repurposing of a mini! I've always really like the valkyrie (?) sculpt. It looks really well done in the 8-10mm range.

  2. That looks great. The paint job gives it a real military appearance.

  3. Seems to fit in perfectly to me. I like that you are finding a new use for models from a game you don't care for! Always good to hear great models don't get left behind.

    1. To be fair, I have not played or even read the rules for Aeronautica. Just more interested in the models than the game.

    2. Yarp. Although I'd like to see it played in 28mm. Like the Titan Owners club playing adeptus titanicus with big ol' FW models.

  4. Nice. Some of the Dropzone commander stuff, whilst 10mm, also works well with 6mm scales.
