Monday, November 22, 2021

Stargrave Bits and Pieces

A couple of months ago, I was in a charity shop with my five-year-old son. He was digging through a big box of toy cars and pulled out an odd looking piece, which I think was meant to be a rocket of some kind. In the end, he didn't chose it as one of the two I had promised him, so I decided to get it myself. A bit of primer, a wash, and a harsh dry-brush later, and I've got a... well, I'm still not sure what it is, and that's why I like it! It could be a communications relay, a generator, a meteorological device, or numerous other things. It could be just some background scatter terrain or the focus of a scenario. Not bad for 50p and 20 minutes of work!

I've also added a couple recruits to my Colonial Marine forces - a basic trooper in his battle-scarred armour and a cyborg who has taken some punishment over the campaigns, but now serves as a heavy-weapons trooper.


  1. A... rocket of some kind? Do you not recognise the mighty Thunderbird 3???

  2. It's definately Thunderbird 3 with the top missing.

  3. Thanks guys, Thunderbirds weren't really a thing, growing up in the US in 1980s!

  4. A grizzled and Battleworn Intergalatic Rescue would make a great crew…

  5. The wonderful world of trash-bashing! You're going to start seeing terrain everywhere now... :)

    1. You're assuming that Joe didn't see things that way already! xD

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