Friday, February 4, 2022

Facing the Dragon

I recently painted up the Oathmark dragon. In truth, it's not my best paint work, and the reason it looks so good has everything to do with the sculpt. As a bit of fun, I took this photo of me (in miniature form, painted by Kev Dallimore) facing the dragon.

The photo, combined with my post yesterday, got me thinking. Kindness, patience, and forgiveness for our fellow travellers in life is so crucial. We really don't know what dragons people are facing. People often look fine 'on the outside', and this is especially true in our modern Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, culture. But every life comes with its own unique challenges, fears, and pain. 

Being a force for good in this world often isn't about huge gestures, or devoting your life to a cause, often its just about offering a little bit of help, support, and understanding to those around us.


  1. And if someone can't be a force for good at least don't be a c*nt to others... times are weird :S

  2. Yes, do some thing nice today, or at least nothing mean spirited.

    The dragon, and your avatar, look cool.

  3. Look, Fido this pill is for your own good!!!

  4. So well said, and well painted I might add. LOVE the miniture of you!

  5. Well spoken! It doesn't cost anything to be kind.

  6. Nice photo! Your third and final paragraph - those are the best and sometimes only methods for slaying dragons.

  7. Dragons are people too.

    Well, some of them....

  8. A link for the dragon... But no link for you? I want that figure! Is it for sale anywhere? Cheers and nice paint jobs!
