Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Building with Bits

Finished up my third building for my Dropship Down project. I got a little fancier with this one, in that I glued some 'bits' onto it, just to add a little visual interest and make it look more sci-fi. The bits are all vehicle parts from either Games Workshop or North Star's Gaslands plastics. I honestly think a little goes a long way with this. I'm still a long way away from a full table, but slow and steady will get me there eventually!


  1. Looks great! Simple is the way to go. It's background material, and the quicker it gets to the table the more games and miniatures you can work on!

  2. That's a cracking looking building.

  3. I think ist stuff like this, that has caused me to pause throwing out those old battered model kits languishing in boxes...bitz! Nicely done Joe!

  4. Nice! Is that a GW Achilles Ridgerunner vehicle? Looks cool in profile!

  5. Nice de-grimdarking going on there.
