Monday, October 10, 2022

The Old Well


This is an MDF well from the Kromlech Frostgrave range. It went together easily. I already have a well I use for Frostgrave, so I decided to paint it up for a more temperate climate. Painting consisted of a grey spray primer and a couple of layers of lighter grey dry-brushing, and then a light blue for the roof, and black for the bottom interior. I also put a thick layer of white glue inside to give it kind of murky, watery look. I then glued on some little patches of flocking and a couple of tufts of flowers - which I think go a long way to giving an old, realistic feel. Really, it was a piece that took very little time to make look pretty good!

Having finished, I thought it would make a perfect backdrop for my Dol Amroth army. It just looks like the kind of thing that Gondor would have built in its heyday, but hasn't been able to maintain in the later, Third Age. 


  1. I have built a couple of the Kromlech Frostgrave kits and think very highly of them. The instructions are very good, possibly the best in the business, and the kits are well engineered, clever, and go together well. I did add a few bits to ‘improve’ them, lengths of barbeque skewer to hide the joins at the corners of the well for example, but the big improvement you can make to any MDF kit is to fancy up the roof. Warbases have a range of lasercut card tiles, slates and shingles that are really good for this and while they can be a little tedious to apply, though infinitely easier than applying individual slates, they look awesome. Roofs like the well are tricker to do, partly because they are of damaged buildings but mostly because of the non-rectangular shape which is a real pain to do and why mine are almost finished and have been for months because I lack the will to apply some fiddly bits to finish the roof.
    Perhaps most interestingly effect of using the same roofing method and colour scheme is that it makes all the buildings look as if they belong together even if they are from different manufacturers or scratch built and in different styles. The terrain equivalent of ‘faces and bases’ perhaps?

  2. Yeah, it's very Gondor-esque! Nice work.

  3. I agree with Laffe; the paint job gives the model a real White City feel; or maybe Osgiliath, at least.
