Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Grave Mutations for Frostgrave (and Others!)

The d20 was not enough. Now is the time of the d1,000! 

Grave Mutations is my new, self-published book that contains 1,000 different mutations for Frostgrave, arranged in a handy d1,000 table. With a bit of imagination, the book can also be used for Stargrave, Ghost Archipleago, and Rangers of Shadow Deep

 Extra eyes and animal parts, explosive sneezes and ink sprays, bodies of stone, iron, and glass, innate spells and exo-skeletons... There is no specific call for using the table, just a whole lot of weirdness with mechanical rules for each one. 

To make the whole thing even more fun, my friend Barrett Stanley drew over 100 illustrations for the book, while Frostgrave veteran aRu-Mor provided the cover.

Ironically, this is the largest supplement I have ever written and comes in at 127 pages! So, head over to DriveThruRPG where you can check out an extensive preview and pick up the book both in PDF and in print-on-demand!


  1. Awesome. I've been thinking about running a Mutant Bounty Hunting Game; this could help with a bunch of fun detail.

  2. The free sample is very cool; and the illustrations are wonderful.

  3. I picked it up as both print and pdf- can't wait for the printed one to arrive! Glancing through the pdf I can tell this is a lot of fun, and really fits with the way we've been using the rules. We've basically mishmashed (apparently that's not a real word) Frostgrave and Rangers of Shadow Deep together, made house rules for some stuff, and have a long-running campaign that swings between warband skirmishes and heroic character-based adventures. It's about time some of the more nefarious characters got a mutation or two (thematically fitting also as we're still playing in the old warhammer fantasy world with all the chaos flying around). Thanks!

    1. Hey Scott, glad you like it! And its sounds like you are playing the game(s) perfectly to me!

    2. I'm really envious of your Rangers of Frostgrave campaign. 😄

  4. So how hard is this to use with Stargrave?

    1. Not very. There are some entries that relate directly to Frostgrave spells, but not many. You can either incorporate these into Stargrave or just reroll those.

  5. Outstanding!

    I can definitely see some spells, traps, and terrain pieces triggering these. Thank you!

  6. This shall make an excellent addition to my collection! =D
