Friday, December 16, 2022


Finished up some more models for my colonial marines! These guys come from a variety of different Stargrave kits, including the first ones I've built from the Crew II and Mercenaries II kits.

The vehicle is actually a matchbox car I saw at the grocery store. I believe it is one of the Mars landers. I thought it would look cool to paint it up and use it as an industrial 'drone' - a vehicle that miners could use to quickly load and process ore, or farmers could use as part of the planting process... I mean, basically, it's just a cool little piece of terrain, and I think it scales really well with the figures.


  1. The Frostgrave and Stargrave kits are so cool fro kitbashing together. Thanks for giving North Star a reason to make them.

  2. Wow, Did you do this only by yourself? If it is yes, you're really good, guy! The models look very nice!

  3. I've bought a few of those Hot Wheels Mars rovers myself, as yours looks fantastic alongside your Stargrave minis! They'll look great as part of the mining-related scenarios in The Last Prospector!
