Friday, January 6, 2023

Industrial Tower

If you have ever walked down the street, saw some trash lying in the gutter, and thought 'that would make some great miniature terrain' - then you might be an old school wargamer.

That's what happened to me the other day. There has been a lot of work on our hill lately, with people digging up pipes and internet cables, and I suspect that is the origin of this piece. I think it is some sort of end-cap for a pipe, but I'm really not sure. As soon as I saw it, I knew I needed it for my junk terrain build. 

To start, I had to saw off a couple of bits, a pair of tabs on the bottom that kept it from sitting flatly and a little handle on top that just gave too much indication of scale. After that, I shot it with a heavy shot of grey primer and a dusting of black primer. Then I sponged it with lighter grey to enhance the worn look.

The name of the company is written across the middle of the pipe: HellermanTyton. I thought this name sounded suitable generic, and the lettering was the right scale, so I roughly painted it in with red/brown. A blast of varnish, and I called it done. I suppose, by itself, it doesn't look like much, but I think it will make a great addition to the rough, industrial town I'm slowly working on.  Just need a few more lucky finds! 


  1. That's awesome. I really have to stop myself from hoarding the recycling, some great stuff comes up :D

  2. Looks good to me. And hell, you can use the company name in your own background fiction.

  3. Great eye for such work. Just enough detail makes the piece 'work.'

  4. That is a great find. One of centrepieces of my various Star Wars settlements is an old vent off a washing machine which could easily pass for a terraforming device. Or something.

  5. That's a great bit of terrain-spotting.

  6. Old school wargamer detected. Good job!

  7. The amount of "junk" I've picked up to make scenary for Stargrave for. Yoghurt pots, caps from spray cans, indeed cans of tyre-weld with the plastic tops removed, caps for deaodorants, rollerballs from empty deodorants.... ! Far too much, I must take a good look & put the excess into the recycling bin.
