Thursday, March 16, 2023

Tenebrous Citadel in Print on Demand!

For those who have been awaiting Rangers of Shadow Deep: Tenebrous Citadel in print, today is the day! You can order it now from DriveThruRPG!


  1. what a pity that the UK printer takes no care of the books and prefers to fold them before shipping them. I gave up ordering the paper versions. Too frustrating.

    1. Sorry to you've had a bad experience with them. I've probably made 30 orders and only had an issue with 1 of them, which was quickly corrected.

  2. Thank you for your reply. It's not your fault, you're doing a great job. I may be paranoid but I wonder if the printer works differently depending on the name or the address. I'm not british and well ... I really don't know. I don't like to think like that but my last two orders were in really unacceptable condition. I can share pics of my copy of Dungeon Darks: cover and interior. My copies of Incinerator and Across the Wastes aren't much better. Space Station Zero is in even worse shape, I think. Link (my blog ^^) :
    Sorry to share this but I'm really disappointed. I undestand if you delete this last comment, no problem.
