Wednesday, August 23, 2023

The Original Boba Fett

Twenty-five years ago, I was living in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Ostensibly, I was there to get my university degree, but I actually spent most of my time in the legendary gaming store, Cerebral Hobbies. One year, the owner Steve and his wife, went off to GenCon.

Upon his return, he presented me with this signed photo of Jeremy Bulloch, the original Boba Fett. Although I've never been one to collect signatures, Steve knew I was a big fan of the character, and I have treasured it since.

Jeremy Bulloch passed away a few years ago, and really, the character has never been as cool since he played him. Boba Fett is a great example of a character that became less cool the more that was known about him. Creators beware, characters are often cooler left in mystery. 

Still, it's a great photo and a little link with another time.



  1. I agree with you, Boba was a badass with a misterious past, and the over exposition in mandalorian and their own show, the book of fett, turned the badass into another commoner antihero.

  2. I met him on the street once. He patiently waited while I ran into the comic book store to buy a Boba Fett graphic novel for him to sign.

    He made a joke about it being funny that I'd recognized him without the helmet.

    I told him that I was a big Robin of Sherwood fan - I recognized him firat as Edward of Wickham.
