Thursday, October 26, 2023

What I've Been Working On

The last few months have not been my most productive. Between the summer school holidays, travel, and my wife’s return to full-time teaching, my schedule has been all over the place and my opportunities for sustained creative time have been few. Still, I have made at least some progress on most of my games systems. For those that are interested, here is what I’ve been working on: 


I have just seen and approved the final pieces of artwork for Frostgrave: Mortal Enemies. Although aRu-Mor has been at it for awhile now, I am continually amazed by her work on the series. There is a wonderful depth to her colours, and a sense of menace in even the simplest compositions. While this is the only Frostgrave book currently on the schedule, I am in discussions with Osprey on another one. 


Bold Endeavour was just released last week, and I’m excited to see what players make of it. With the new rules for starships and space encounters, it brings a completely new aspect to the game that can really increase the sense of adventure and narrative within a campaign. I loved working on it. But that’s not the last for Stargrave, because I have also been working on a full, book-length version of the Dead or Alive solo expansion that was originally released when the game first released. This book greatly expands the possible settings, complications, and marks that bounty hunters can pursue across the Ravaged Galaxy! 

Rangers of Shadow Deep

have nearly finished a big project with Modiphius that will hopefully be announced soon. I have also been working on something much smaller, which I intended to self-publish, that looks at the game from a completely different angle… 

Old Bones 

Old Bones #3 is in the final stages of production. This one is basically an all Frostgrave & Ghost Archipelago issue. Actually, Old Bones #4 is not running far behind! 


I’m not allowed to say much about this, but there are ongoing discussions… 

The Silver Bayonet

I have just completed my final read-through of the layouts for Egypt: Shadow of the Sphinx. It was a lot of fun to take The Silver Bayonet out of its European setting and bring in some other classic horror monsters! I delight in seeing how much fun can be packed into these small books! 

Deathship One

This is a small-scale, ‘limited’ wargame that I originally wrote for Blaster. As it is now unavailable in that form, I am working to bring it back, in a slightly expanded form, as a stand-alone, self-published book. 

The Renaissance Troll 

Over the last couple of years, I have been quietly working on one other major project – I have been writing my ‘gaming autobiography’. Essentially, the story of my life in games, or perhaps how games have related to my life. It covers my earliest encounters with hobby gaming, the great games and game stores that influenced me, my immigration to Britain, working with Osprey, right up to the writing and publication of The Silver Bayonet. I have now finished the first draft of the manuscript and am slowly editing my way through it. It is the longest single work I have ever written. I don’t know what I’ll do with it once it’s finished, or if anyone will ever want to read it, but it has been an enjoyable exercise in self-reflection, nostalgia, game-philosophy, and writing in a different genre. 

So, plenty of irons still in the fire!


  1. I'll want to read your gaming autobiography, if that makes a difference :D

  2. Vote cast for an audiobook of your autobiography, read by you 😀

  3. Very much looking forward to getting Mortal Enemies! I am so happy you are keeping the Frostgrave dream alive! and to hear there will be another book is the icing on the cake! Old Bones 3 is also on my watch list - You touched briefly on Blaster magazine, I have been trying, unsuccessfully to get issue 1-3 but looks like Drive Thru RPG no longer hosts the files? Great that RofSD is getting something - quite excited about that. All in all a great update!!

    1. Getting the Blaster material available again is on the list!

  4. This is all looking very exciting.

  5. Some cool stuff listed to come. Personal favorites are the Stargrave expansion and the Egyptian Silver Bayonet tome.

  6. great to hear that works continues on all your systems (well, apart from GA sadly).
    intriguing as to Oathmark.
    So much more could be added there to extend a great foundation.
    The biography should be a great read.

  7. 'Mortal Enemies', 'Bold Endeavour', 'Dead Or Alive', and your autobiography are the most exciting things mentioned for me, but it all sounds good! 😀

  8. As an Oathmark fan I’m very excited about this… even if it’s a small hint of hope

  9. Your output of interesting yet approachable gaming books is a huge inspiration for me. Don't worry about not constantly being at. 110% productivity. I look forward to your coming works but I can wait as I'm sure they will be just as exciting to play.

  10. Great news! There's lots to look forward to
