Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Cpl. Singh

Here is Cpl. Singh, the latest addition to my Colonial Marine force. I've decided that, among other things, I'd like to be able to use my colonial marines for Space Hulk. That being the case, I reorganized them into 5-man fireteams, but realized I was at least one flamer short. So, I pulled out the bits box and put this guy together. The body is from the Stargrave Mercenaries set, and the left arm is from the Scavengers set. The arm with the flame thrower is from the Mercenaries II set, which actually means it is meant for a female body, but I don't think you can really tell.

I found the head rolling around in the bits box. I think it comes from a WWII sprue from Warlord Games, that I suspect came free with an issue of Wargames Illustrated. It caught my attention because of a recent episode of Doctor Who which included a cameo by 'Sgt. Singh'. I thought he looked really cool in his UNIT black body armour and Sihk turban, so I decided to give it a go. My daughter walked in after I had primed the figure and said - 'I recognize that guy from Doctor Who', so I guess it worked!

This figure is also the first time I attempted using a magnifying glass to paint eyes on a miniature. It certainly helped, though they probably still came out a bit too big - though that is much less noticeable in person than it is in the photograph. I don't know if I will try it again or not. 

Cpl. Singh means I have completed 4 fireteams in my Colonial Marine platoon. I just want to add a command team to call it finished.


  1. He looks great! I hope the paint job is enough to protect him from the genestealers!

  2. Agreed, looks great! I could never get on with a magnifying glasses as I kept painting the glass or hitting the wrong spot, I've found that cheap reading glasses at (for me at least) 1.5x work much better!

  3. Cpl Singh's eyes have seen too much of the galaxy's horrors. That's a great kit-bash .

  4. From his pose I hear him yelling "Stay back, beast!" Nicely done.

  5. I was more surprised that anyone still watches Dr Who

  6. They're all gonna get eaten by 'stealers. Game over man, game over.

  7. Great idea. I've just ordered a frame from ebay and I'm looking forward to adding some more representation to my figures. Talking of which, I've got my fingers crossed for some Sepoy rules in Silver Bayonet : Egypt.
