Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Ogre: Mark V

I had so much fun with the first two, I decided to go ahead and repaint the last of my metal Ogre cybertanks - a dreaded Mark V. As you can see, the figure is quite a beast, and when cast in lead, has a serious heft to it! I nicknamed him 'Thunderbolt', because I had a couple of the hand holding a thunderbolt decals that I thought would look cool on him. 

Disaster struck after I finished painting and went to varnish the figure. I do this by using blue tack to stick figures to cardboard and then take them outside to spray. Unfortunately, while tacking the tank down, I pushed on its one week point, right on the centre of the back where the two halves meet. And, unsurprisingly, it broke in half. Now luckily, it was a clean break, so all I need to do was glue it back together, and I had a new bottle of superglue gel to use... At least, I thought it was gel until I gave it a squeeze and sprayed superglue all over the place. This could have been a lot worse as most of it went on the tank itself and the newspaper underneath and not on my hand! So, check those labels carefully!

Eventually, I got him back together and sprayed. He's now ready to lead my cybertank forces! 


  1. https://twitter.com/ken_howard1/status/1556887460936044544

  2. I loved reading Bolo stories years ago, it's fun to see these painted up!

    1. Yeah - the two have always been linked in my mind. I just ordered an old copy of the first Bolo collection.

  3. Those look massive! how much do they measure against 28mm and what scale are they?

    1. Officially they are 6mm, I think. It's about 8cm long, 4.5cm wide, and about 5.5cm to the top of the tower.

    2. haha, it seems it was more the impact of the model than the actual measurements. They look great!

  4. I don't recall ever seeing these before. Very cool models, definitely inspired by old anime. Love the colors you've given them too. They really stand out!
