Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A Bad Night for the Town Watch...

I painted my first two Anno Domini 1666 figures. These are the metal versions, and I'm delighted with the look and quality - though I will admit the weapons are very slender (the downside to realistically scaled). 

I didn't feel ready to tackle any of the characters, so I went for a couple of town guardsmen to get me started. 

Just for fun, I shot them in front of one of my Tabletop World houses and with a few Reaper giant rats. I like the combined look so much, I'm thinking about running some Rangers of Shadow Deep games with a more 17th century look to it! 


  1. Those are some R.O.U.S.'s!! I like the AD1666 minis too. I wonder how they line up with the Northstar minis. Are they 28mm or 32mm?

  2. These have turned out very nicely indeed!
    Alan Tradgardland

  3. A couple of nice figures which i hope will inspire you to press on with some more. A smart house too.

  4. "Cheese it lads! It the Pox Rats!"

  5. "Guards ! Guards !" One supposes Vimes must be the one with the lamp ?

  6. Your Anno Domini 1666 figures look fantastic, especially with the Tabletop World house and Reaper giant rats—truly brings the scene to life!

  7. The details of these guards are truly amazing, and when paired with the Tabletop World house and Reaper's giant rat, they work perfectly! The 17th century style Rangers of Shadow Deep game sounds very interesting, looking forward to seeing more of your work!

  8. The details of these guards are truly amazing, and when paired with the Tabletop World house and Reaper's giant rat, they work perfectly! The 17th century style Rangers of Shadow Deep game sounds very interesting, looking forward to seeing more of your work!
