Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Goblin Treasure Bearer

I bought this miniature as soon as I saw it. Generally, I'm more patient, but this one I just couldn't resist. Which is funny, as it's such a simple figure. Just a goblin carrying a treasure chest... and yet, there is so much potential story to it. He looks rather mournful, so I gather it's not his treasure chest. Probably he's been bullied into carrying it by a party of adventurers. Possibly as an underpaid hireling, but more likely in exchange for his own life after an ambush gone wrong or something.

It's another Reaper Bones figure from Bobby Jackson. Bones USA to be precise, and it makes a difference. I have not been a big fan of either the original Bones or Bones Black material, but the new Bones USA ones are fantastic, with a level of detail at least the equal of metal.

I painted his skin with the Orc Skin speed paint from Army Painter. While it sometimes feel like cheating, and while I did touch it up a bit, I don't think I could paint orc skin much better than this using any of my traditional methods. On a figure with good detail, it just looks fantastic. The rest of the figure I painted with washes and layers. The whole thing is the product of a delightfully lazy Saturday morning.


  1. Murk the Goblin Henchman SKU: 07072 £5.99

  2. Look at the size of that chest. Murk must have the proportional strength of a spider. What a lovely mini.

  3. I do love the newer materials Reaper is using. I just got my Bones 6 stuff, and wow - the quality and detail is very impressive!
