Underworld is a four-part adventure featuring the Fourth
Doctor, Leela, and K-9, and it begins with a strong-opening episode. Arriving at the very edge of the Universe,
the TARDIS is forced to make an emergency landing on a passing spaceship, a
spaceship that has been travelling for 100,000 years. Although the spaceship special effects are as
bad as anything from this era of Doctor who, the actual ship itself is a
fantastic little model.
After a brief misunderstanding, the Doctor quickly gains
the trust of the surviving crew and becomes involved in the final stage of
their great quest that has seen them voyage from one side of the universe to
the other. Very early on, it is apparent that the writers have drawn heavily on
Greek mythology for their inspiration. In a nice touch, the crew wear bronze space suits and carry ‘sheild-guns’,
which gives them a slightly hoplite appearance.
Unfortunately, the remaining three episodes fail to live
up to the promise set by the first. A
majority of the next two episodes are spent in a series of confused and mostly
pointless chase scenes, with occasional gun fights. This might not have been so bad if the sets had
been better, but even on a show known for its wobbly sets, these were awful. I’ll
take an abandoned quarry any day over ‘caves’ built from papier-mâché. To make
matters worse, several characters actions seem badly contrived to push the plot
The final episode does redeem the adventure a bit. The
bad guys actually do something clever. The Doctor, of course, does something
slightly more clever, and our heroes escape in the nick of time.
In the final verdict, Underworld is a fun watch, with
some nice moments, and Tom Baker’s clearly having a good time. It is just
unfortunate that an opening episode that seemed filled with so much promise,
proved the high point of the adventure.
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