Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Softball – Fun Style

This week, when I arrived at the ball field, I discovered that the league was running a special ‘mixed-up teams’ day. 

Since I had captaincy experience, I was unfortunately put in charge of one of the teams. Thankfully, I was with a laid back group of guys, and it proved a simple task. For the game we used a rule of 3 outs or 5 runs. Basically, as soon as one team scored five runs in an inning, the inning ended and the sides switched. With a lot of new players, and players playing out of position, it seemed like a great idea. The game flew along and never got bogged down in a big inning. The rule only came into play a few times and after ten innings we called the game with the score 22-19.

I went a rather mediocre 2 for 5 on the night, although both hits were very satisfying line-drives over the third baseman. In the field, I spent 4 innings at pitcher, 2 at catcher, 2 in the outfield (where absolutely nothing happened) and 2 at second (where I took a shot in the chest, blocking a hard bouncer - made the out though). 

In many ways, I much preferred this more fun oriented style of play. True, it wasn’t an official game, but you better believe I’m counting the hits for my career totals! I don't know how many more games I've got in the old bones; I need every hit I can get!

Career Hits: 96

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