Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Knights 23 - Globetrotters 8

It was a cold and threatening Tuesday night as my Oxford Knights softball team took the field for its first game of the new season. After playing in only one game last season due to the birth of my daughter, I had been greatly looking forward to it.

After retiring the Globetrotters in order in the top of the first, the Knights got off to a good start with the bats, scoring 5 runs. I contributed to the volley, lining a double into the right field gap that knocked home a pair of runs. We added another 5 runs in the second inning and the game was never really close after that. I had a great night at the plate, going 3 for 5 with a double, two singles, a walk, and a career high 6 RBI! 

I had a mixed night in the field. I started the game at third base, where I did nothing to help the team. I've never been completely comfortable at 3rd; I just don't think my reaction speed is quite up to handling the hot corner. For the second half of the game, I moved over to second base, where I'm a lot more comfortable. There, I made a couple of sliding stops, including one where I managed to tag the bag while on the ground to get the force out. Much fun.

Less fun was the weather. The game was halted briefly in the second inning when the light rain sudden became heavy hail, that stung the skin when it hit. Of course, since the nearest cover was about 200 yards away, there really wasn't much that could be done. It only lasted for five minutes, though the rain would continue to visit in short bursts throughout the night. It never halted the game again, but it made the grass and the balls slick and numbed the finger tips.

So, a great start to the season. I'll miss next week's game, but hopefully there will be plenty more. I'm hurting this morning, with achy muscles and a slightly bruised and swollen left hand the cause of which I can't remember.

Career Hits: 105

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