Sunday, May 17, 2015

Look What I Have Got!!!

It's a book! It's not a word file on my desktop, not a PDF of the layouts, not a print out in a binder. Frostgrave is a real book!

I just received the first of my 'author' copies from the publisher's advances. The rest will come when the main shipment lands in late June/early July.

A year ago, when I was typing away, I never really envisioned that the book would ever be this beautiful.
Since then, so many talented people have gotten involved: Phil, the editor; Stewart, who did the layout and design; Dmitry Burmak, who contributed all of the artwork; Nick who led the figure production; all of the different sculptors who made figures; Kev who painted those figures and took all of the photographs...the list goes on. 

Today, I am a very proud and very happy author!


  1. Well it does look like a lovely work, with lovely photos and illustrations. It looks like it'll be very popular - the nickstarter has a good following too for the associated figures et al. I'm thinking of getting on board too for the first time. Well done to you for a great idea and great looking book.
    Cheers Dan

  2. Very nice. Looking forward to getting my mitts on a copy!

  3. I think this is going to go really well!

  4. That's a fine looking book, doubt I will get into the game but may just get the book for the joy of owning.

  5. Congratulations and Good Job!

  6. Looks fantastic! Can't wait to get mine!

  7. An over awaited game...and it looks very good !

  8. Very very beautiful !!

    How many pages please ??

    Thank you very much,



  9. Beautiful book !
    Can't wait to get my copy and test the game !

  10. Looking forward to getting the book and models

  11. Looking forward to getting the book and models
