Thursday, December 3, 2015

New Frostgrave Scenario

Just a quick note to say that the new issue of Tabletop Gaming Magazine is out today, and includes an exclusive Frostgrave scenario called The Bridges of Mal Dreath. I wrote the scenario when I was still very much in the Thaw of the Lich Lord mindset, so it should slot right into that campaign. In the UK, you can pick up a copy at WH Smiths. Elsewhere in the world, you are probably best off ordering direct. Anyway, here is their Facebook page.

I like to think that I was going to be on the cover until I got bumped for Wil Wheaton and then he got bumped for Darth Vader!


  1. Just say you were bumped by Vader, there is no shame in that :)

  2. Ooh, not heard of that magazine before. I shall have to check it out.

  3. Hello!
    Could you tell me where can I find a map of Frostgrave world?

  4. I'm afraid there is no map of the Frostgrave world. There is just too much still to be explored!

  5. Could you say if scenarios like these, found in magazines and such, will one day be available in a printed compendium? That would be quite nice.


  6. I hope so, but the decision is not fully mine.

  7. Wish I had found out about this earlier, it's sold out! :( Fingers crossed for a future compendium.

  8. Any chance of getting this scenario in a pdf format?
