Frostgrave: Standing in the Eye
a thousand years ago, a wizard named Grodek Humphrizes built a walled house in
the southwest corner of Felstad. In the centre of his house, he created a
unique spherical chamber called the Rondure. He linked the Rondure to four
permanent wizard eyes which he installed at the corners of his walls so that he
could spy on his neighbours. He also linked it to the two security constructs
that patrolled his grounds.
Grodek Humphrizes died in the great
storm that buried Felstad, and much of his house was destroyed. However the Rondure
survived, mostly intact, as did the two constructs...
the set-up by placing the Rondure in the middle of the table. The Rondure can
be any small chamber which is mostly made up of windows or open walls.
Alternatively, just designate a small rooftop as the Rondure. Next, place four
‘wizard eye’ markers on the diagonals between the Rondure and the four corners
of the board. Each marker should be 12” away from the Rondure. Fill the rest of
the board with ruins and rubble as per a standard game of Frostgrave. Place treasure as normal. Finally, place two ‘security
constructs’ next to the two treasures that are closest to the Rondure.
Special Rules
spellcaster standing within the Rondure at the start of a turn immediately
takes 2 points of damage. A spellcaster standing in the Rondure may use any of
the four wizard eye markers to draw line of sight for the purposes of casting
spells. Unlike normal wizard eyes, these have 360 degree vision. Additionally,
any spell from the Soothsayer school cast while standing in the Rondure gains
+3 on the casting roll.
A spellcaster standing in the Rondure
may sacrifice one action (which may be his required movement action) to take
control of and activate one of the security constructs. Take the actions for this construct at the
end of the current players phase. This construct will not activate again this
turn. The spellcaster loses control over this construct immediately after the
phase. A spellcaster may not take control of a construct currently under the
control of another player. A security construct cannot leave the board for any
Treasure and Experience
for treasure as per a normal game of Frostgrave.
Calculate experience as normal with the following additions:
+25 Experience if either the
wizard or his apprentice begins a turn standing in the Rondure.
+10 Experience for each security
construct killed by the wizard or his warband.
Security Constructs
Constructs look like empty suits of armour carrying large weapons, usually a
battleaxe or warhammer. They were a popular ‘budget’ option for wizards looking
for a bit of household security.
Treat as using a two-handed weapon.
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