Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Steampunk Soldiers: The American Frontier

I have been so busy working on the next supplement for Frostgrave, that I nearly missed the release of my new book!

Steampunk Soldiers: The American Frontier is a companion to last year’s Steampunk Soldiers: Uniforms & Weapons from the Age of Steam. Like that previous volume, this new book was a joint effort between me, my fellow writer Philip Smith, and the artist Mark Stacey. The heart of the book is the thirty-odd figure studies (including a few vehicles this time) and the associated commentary. Taken together, these give a glimpse into the dangers, the weirdness, and the wondrous adventure of the American Old West during the age of steam.

In this case, I think pictures really are worth a lot more than my words, so I’ll let a few of them do the talking!


  1. Loved the first one very "Osprey". I'll keep an eye out for this one as well.

  2. WOW you were involved with the first one. I really enjoyed flipping through the pages (haven't delved much further into it yet - as like you, Frostgrave is my focus at the moment). I do have a lot of Dystopian Wars figures to use for Steampulp gaming. Looking forward to seeing this one as well.
