Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Frostgrave Wins Again!

Last Thursday morning, I turned over the page of my small Doctor Who calendar. Appropriately, the sixth month contained a picture of the Sixth Doctor as portrayed by Colin Baker. I didn't think much of it at the time...

Later that day I was in Birmingham preparing for the UK Games Expo, the largest games fair in the UK. I was there with the team from Osprey Games, showing off both Frostgrave and our new slate of board and card games.  

I knew the show was 'big', but I have to admit, I wasn't prepared. Friday was busy, but easily manageable. The next day, the dam broke. Over twelve thousand gamers descended upon the show! The day flew by in a blur of cards, dice, coke, fun, and aching feet. By the end of the day, the stand was a wonderful disaster. 

Sunday was quieter, but still busy, and I watched as the stock of certain games dwindled down to almost nothing. (Check out Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space and Odin's Ravens).

Then, when the show had almost ended, it was time for the awards. I knew that Frostgrave had been nominated for best miniatures game, but, in truth, I didn't like its chances. It was up against some tough competition and, given that the Games Expo is traditionally more of a board game show, I figured that the judges and voters would go for a more board game-like miniature games. So, it was with genuine surprise when Frostgrave was announced as the winner!

I went up on the stage and there to present my award was the Sixth Doctor himself, Colin Baker! Now, in general, I am not one to get star-struck. I'm not really bothered with autographs, and don't go out of my way to meet stars, but there was something special about standing there with Colin Baker. As a television Doctor, he was never one of my favourites, but over the last fifteen years he has become my favourite Doctor of the Big Finish audio adventures. 

For a moment, that young boy who discovered a weird British television show with 'the best monsters' came back in full! 

It was only a moment, but I told him how much I enjoyed his work with the audio adventures. He thanked me and asked me to keep listening. That's all I remember really.

Now that I have had a couple of days to process, I'm not sure which was better - winning the award or meeting Colin Baker. Taken together, it is a day I will remember for a long time to come!


  1. Bravo Joe - a day to remember!

  2. Congratulations!
    Well done indeed Joe.

  3. Well done a continuing success..😀

  4. Congratulations, certainly provides some oomph to continue the Frostgrave Craze!

  5. Congrats - you deserve it! You've created a little piece of gaming treasure & it's only just that you receive some accolades for it!

    Looking forward to the next instalment!

  6. Congrats Joe. Well deserved.

    "a blur of coke" doesn't mean what it used too....

  7. Well done and well deserved. Excellent rules

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